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My troubles_我的烦恼英语作文150字

2020-01-04 16:00:01

Are you upset? I have a lot of troubles in my life. My father and mother are always quarreling, and they can be angry at anything. There is always a black cloud over our home. The bad mood also affected me, and I felt very irritable. My parents always criticize me for my bad study. I have a bad relationship with my friends. Our teacher a lot of homework, I often wrote about the middle of the night to go to bed at eleven o 'clock, the next day I got up very late, have no time to eat breakfast, and I have to walk to school, so I'm always late. I was sleepy in class, so I couldn't study hard, it was like a vicious circle. And I always have a lot of things, no time to relax, no time to do what I like. What should I do?




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