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A Sense of ‘Lady Bird’_伯德小姐有感作文150字

2020-01-13 00:45:01

‘Lady Bird’ is a movie I saw yesterday. It’s a movie from America. I have learned much form it.

The movie is mainly about a senior high school student Christine. She is a capricious and active girl on my eyes. In the movie, she gets a big fight with her mother every day, but both of them love the other deeply.

The story is giving me a strong feeling of moving. I think I just like Christine, I always have different ideas with my mom. And when I did something wrong, my mom is always criticism me loudly. I know my wrong but talked back! Luckily, mom always forgive me.

But after seeing the movie, I decide to control my emotions and never hurt mom’s heart. I know, mom knows the best and mom is the best!




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