趣文网 > 教师天地 > 语文优秀试卷


2020-03-01 12:00:02


I. 听力 (共30分)


( ) 1.A. mouth B. mouse C. maths ( ) 2.A. floor B.flour C. flower

( ) 3.A. where B. wear C.there ( ) 4.A. sunny B. shine C. shiny

( ) 5.A. two B. too C.to ( ) 6. A. play balls B. play games C. play football


( ) 1. A. Ben is on the left of Kitty. B. Kitty is on the left. C. Ben is on the floor.

( ) 2. A. This book isn’t yours. B. This is my book. C. There is a book in my hand.

( ) 3. A. My sister and I have the same bags. B. I and my sister have the same books.

C. We have some books.

( ) 4. A. There is much bread on the plate. B. The plate is in the plate.

C. There is a little bread on the plate.

( ) 5. A. It’s 2:45 B. It’s 2:15 C. It’s 1:45

( ) 6. A. The farmer is on the farm. B. The farmer was in the farm.

C. Ten years ago there was a farmer on the farm.


( ) 1. A. Fine. B. By bus. C. How do you do?

( ) 2. A. She’s hearing . B. She hears . C. She can hear .

( ) 3. A .Summer. B. Autumn. C. Spring.

( ) 4. A. Four. B. Fourth . C. The fourth .

( ) 5. A. I’m fine . B. It’s sunny . C. I like the sun .

( ) 6. A. Yes, please. B. Yes, I think so. C. No, I’m not.


( )1. A. In the music room. B. In the classroom . C. At home .

( )2. A. 7:40 B. 7:20 C. 8:20

( )3. A. Fifteen yuan. B. Fifty yuan. C. Thirty-five yuan.

( )4. A. Twelve. B. Twenty. C. Eight.

( )5. A. They’re different. B. No, they’re different. C. Yes, they’re the same.

( )6. A. By car. B. By bus. C. By motor-bike.


Look at Simon’s . It’s not big but tidy. There is a desk in front of the window. Simon often does his at it. You can see a thick English book, some crayons and a glass on the desk. There is some in the glass. His bed is the desk. Simon doesn’t put his shoes under the bed. But he often puts his under it. On the wall, there is a map of China. A blue clock is the map. In the room, there is a small sofa. Simon can sit on it and watch TV.

II. 语音、词汇、语法 (共45分)

一、 根据所给单词划线部分的发音进行音标归类。5%

ship poor bite television July note bit usually photo sure

/ I /

/ aI /

/ EJ /

/ JE /

/ V /












1. The lion likes to eat grass. __________ __________

2. We have lunch at school every day.

3. The fly fly above the honey.

4. I like the sunny day.


1. The boy is very fat now. But he is very last year.

2. Jack and his mother were poor. Now they are .

3. Be brave. Don’t be .

4. Last Saturday, I got up at half past eight. I at nine o’clock.


1. There are (3) books on the shelf. I don’t like the (1) book. It is too old.

2. It’s five o’clock in the afternoon. We’re waiting for .(they)

3. What does your mother do ?She’s a (sing)

4. How (many) sugar do they want ? A little.

5. Tom’s house is on the (31) floor.


1. Tom (like) loud music. But now he (like) quite music.

2. Listen, the birds (sing) in the tree. They can (sing) well.

3. I like (play) football. But I (not like) basketballs.

4. Tom (not eat )the ice cream in the evening.

5. When you (get ) up tomorrow morning?.

6. Eddie (do) his homework at 6:30 every day.


( ) 1.My aunt comes my home every year..

A. to B. / C. at

( ) 2. The sun is high in the .

A. morning B. afternoon C. evening

( ) 3. The Lis are Hainan Island.

A. in B. at C. on

( ) 4. Kitty and Alice want any orange juice.

A. doesn’t B. don’t C. aren’t

( ) 5. Mr. Wang teaches English.

A. us B. our C. we

( ) 6. –-Who liked swimming in winter ? ---I .

A. do B. did C. like

( ) 7. –How many felt-pens your brother every year?

A. does, buy B. did , buy C. is , buying

( ) 8. Let go and see the insects.

A. they B. them C. their

( ) 9. The caterpillar a cocoon.

A. makes B. lays C. become

( ) 10. Hong and his children lived Pudong .

A. in B. on C. at


1. This is my knife. ( 改成复数句 )

are our .

2. I was at home this morning.(划线提问)

you this morning?

3. It’s time for bed. ( 换一种表达,意思不变)

It’s time bed.

4.Mary has supper at home every evening.(否定句)

Mary supper at home every evening.

5. I got up at seven o’clock.

you up at seven o’clock? [文章来源于 mip.qwen.cn]

III. 阅读与写话 (共25分)


There is an old woman in English. She doesn’t like children at all. But she loves cats. She has black cats and white cats. She has mother cats and baby cats. So the children all come to the old woman’s house. Soon there are too many cats. The old woman can’t feed them all. Then she has an idea. “The children like my cats,” She thinks. So she gives each child a cat. Then she is happy. And the children are happy. And the cats are happy, too. Because they each have a home.

( ) 1. The old woman doesn’t like cats.

( ) 2. Children come to play with her cats.

( ) 3. A lot of cats come to their school.

( ) 4. The woman gives a cat to each child.

( ) 5. Then every cat has got a home.

二、 阅读短文,选择最恰当的答案,在前面的括号里用A,B或C表示。5%

Tomorrow morning Miss Green is going to London by train . She wants to see her good friend , Jones. Jones has a bad cold. She’s in hospital. Miss Green is now at home. She want to buy some fruit and some milk. So she’s very busy now.

( ) 1. Is Miss Green going to London now ?

A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn’t. C. Yes, she’s going.

( ) 2. How is she going to London now ?

A. On foot. B. By plane. C. By train.

( ) 3. Who does she want to see ?

A. Jones. B. Doctor. C. Her mother.

( ) 4. What does she want to buy ?

A. Some fruit and some milk. B. Some fruit. C. Some milk.

( ) 5. Is she happy ?

A. Yes, she is. B. No, she’s hungry. C. No, she’s busy.


A. Thank you. B. Yes, it is.

C. Nancy’s pen is red. D. Is it yours, Linda?

E. Mine is black.

A: Whose pen is this? 1

B: No, it isn’t mine. 2

A: Is it Nancy’s?

B: Perhaps it is. 3

A: Nancy! Is this red pen yours?

C: 4

A: Here you are.

C: 5


Jim is my friend. He has got brown 1 and blue eyes. He is a lovely boy. He has got 2 aunt. 3 name is Jane. She 4 Britain. Jim is going to meet his aunt 5 the station tomorrow afternoon.

( ) 1. A. head B. hair C. hairs ( ) 2. A. a B. / C. an

( ) 3. A. She B. She’s C. Her ( ) 4. A. is from B. come from C. is

( ) 5. A. at B. in C. on


Mary g up at six o’clock every morning. At half past six , she has b . She rides her b to school at 7:00. She has four lessons in the morning and two lessons in the afternoon. She goes home at five o’clock . She has s at six in the evening. After supper she helps her mother to wash some dishes .She g to bed at 9:00.


I. 听力 (共30分)


1. The cat is chasing the mouse. (B) 2. Have you got any flour? Yes, I have.(B)

3.Tom wears his uniform on Mondays. (B) 4. What’s the weather like today? It’s shiny. ( C )

5.Don’t jump into the water. It’s too dangerous. (B)

6.The little girls play games in the afternoon.(B)


1. Kitty is sitting on the right of Ben.

2. This book is mine.

3. My bag is the same as my sister’s.

4. There is some bread on the plate.

5. It’ a quarter past two.

6. There was a farmer on the farm ten years ago.


1. How do you do? (C) 2. What does Mary do with her ears? (B)

3. The leaves change from green to red and yellow. What season is it?(B)

4. Which girl is your sister? (C) 5. What weather do you like? (C)

6. Is Peter a clever boy?(B)


1. A: Listen to the music. It’s too loud. I don’t like it.

B: Yes, it’s so loud. It’s 6:00 p.m. now. I can’t do my homework.

A: Who is making that noise?

B: It’s Sam. He’s playing the drum.

Q: Where are they talking? ( C )

2. A: What time is it by your watch?

B: It’s twenty to eight.

Q: What time is it ? (A)

3. A: Hello, may I have this red skateboard?

B: Sure. Here you are.

A: Thanks. Here’s the money, fifty yuan.

B: And here’s your change, fifteen yuan. Bye.

Q: How much is the red skateboard? ( C )

4. .A: How many plums have you got, Kitty?

B: I’ve got twelve black plums and eight green plums. They are all nice.

Q: How many plums has Kitty got? (B)

5. A: Taste these two apples. Are they the same or different?

B: They’re different.

Q: Are these apples the same? (B)

6. A: How do you go to work, Mr. White? Do you drive a car or ride a motor-bike?

B: I usually drive a car. But today I take a bus.

Q: How does Mr. White usually go to work ?( B )


Look at Simon’s room. It’s not big but tidy. There is a desk in front of the window. Simon often does his homework at it. You can see a thick English book, some crayons and a glass on the desk. There is some milk in the glass. His bed is next to the desk. Simon doesn’t put his shoes under the bed. But he often puts his football under it. On the wall, there is a map of China. A blue clock is beside the map. In the room, there is a small sofa. Simon can sit on it and watch TV.





1. How much are these peaches in the box ?(B)

2. Miss Black and Mrs. White are walking in the park ?(C)

3. Does the TV play begin at 8:15 ? (A)

4. This tiger can’t climb the tall tree . (B)

5. He has got a pencil. (C)




Yesterday was Sunday. I got up early in the morning. After that, I washed my face, brushed my teeth. And then I did morning exercises.

I had breakfast at about ten past seven. I did my homework for half an hour. Then I helped my mum to do some housework. In the afternoon, I went to the park with my parents. I came home at four o’clock. After dinner, I watched TV with my family. I went to bed at half past eight. Oh, yesterday I was very busy.



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