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2020-05-02 11:39:01



We are about to welcome the Spring Festival in 2020, but this year s Spring Festival is slightly different.


Recently, a new type of pneumonia caused by coronavirus has appeared in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, which has caused many deaths and is highly infectious. In order to ensure the physical health of ourselves and our families, I would like to launch the following initiatives:


1. Do not go to places where people gather or to cities where there is an epidemic situation. Try to reduce the contact with the people who come back from the epidemic city and prevent the spread of the epidemic situation.


2. Pay attention to family hygiene and personal hygiene. Regularly open windows to ventilate, keep air circulation, and often dry clothes and bedding, etc.; vinegar can also be used to fumigate the room to achieve disinfection effect. Wear a mask when you go out, wash your hands frequently when you go home, and cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief when you cough or sneeze.


3. Life should be regular. We should have regular daily life, fall asleep on time, have a reasonable rest and ensure adequate sleep.


4. Reasonable diet. The diet should be light and light. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and do not eat uncooked meat, eggs and milk; do not go to the seafood and live poultry markets; do not contact with wild animals or eat game.


5. Take part in outdoor sports. Strengthen physical exercise, increase aerobic exercise, absorb more fresh air, and enhance the body s immunity.


6. Pay attention to personal protection. Avoid close contact with patients with cough and fever. If there are such symptoms, seek medical advice in time and wear medical masks.


An initiative, a commitment, a responsibility. We must pay attention to the prevention of new pneumonia and not relax our vigilance. In this way, we can have a relaxed, happy and peaceful Spring Festival holiday. Dear students, let s take action!



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