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雅思小作文范文 table

2020-07-03 17:36:01



雅思小作文表格图写作技巧1. Paraphrasing the introduction.转述开头段。2. Writing an overview.写出概述。3. Make sure which tense and what grammar will be used?确定本篇小作文的时态。4. What information stands out?找出图中数据极值(最大,最小)5. Grouping the information.信息分组。7分以上范文

1.The table below gives information about languages with the most native speakers.


Languages with the most native speakers

The table illustrates the number of native speakers of six languages as well as the number of speakers of these languages as an additional language. It is noticeable that the number of speakers of Mandarin Chinese is strikingly higher than the other languages.

People who speak Mandarin largely speak it as a first language 900 million. In comparison to this only 190 million people speak Mandarin Chinese as an additional language. What is remarkable about English speakers is that the number of speakers of English as an additional language is higher than that of native speakers of English 603 and 339 million respectively.

While the total number of Hindi speakers 490 million is roughly equal to that of Spanish speakers 420 million; when it comes to speaking these languages as an additional language the number for Hindi is much higher 120 million than that for Spanish 70 million.

Native speakers of Arabic and Portuguese are similar in number with 206 million and 203 million respectively. However, the number of Arabic speakers as an additional language 24 million is almost 2.5 times larger than speakers of Portuguese as an additional language.


2.The table below gives information about a restaurant’s average sales in three different branches in 2016.

The table shows the comparisons of three different branches in terms of average sales in four different service transactions.


Overall, the branch in Vancouver Georgia Street has the highest average sales. Meanwhile, other branches varies.


Vancouver Georgia Street has the largest number of overall transactions of 850 on average, followed by Dunsmuir and Drake Street with 750 and 390 respectively. Georgia and Dunsmuir Street branch have almost similar average transaction cost of 10 dollars, ironically, Drake Street have only half the value.

Regarding the the service transaction of two branches Georgia and Dunsmuir Street, they have the same average value in eat in and take away transaction with insignificant difference unlike in Drake Street branch around 50 less. Besides, lastly popular salable items among the three branches varies from different chicken meal pasta, burger and wings.


3.The tables below give information about sales of Fairtrade* labelled tea and pineapples in 2010 and 2015 in five European countries.

Sales of Fairtrade labelled tea and pineapples 2010 2015

The two tables contain sales data for Fairtrade tea and pineapples in 2010 and 2015, in five nations of Europe.


The first table shows low level tea sales increasing in all five countries, albeit to widely varying degrees. In two places sales increased by the same small amount: 2.8 3 million euros in Germany, and 1.8 2 million in Norway. The increment was slightly larger in Netherlands, from 2 2.7 million euros. Meanwhile, in Austria sales doubled from 4 8 million euros. Finally, in France there was an enormous increase, from 2.5 21 million euros.


In the second table, it is Austria which stands out as buying far more Fairtrade pineapples than the other four countries. The sales figures for Austria jumped from 16 48 million euros across these five years, while in France and Netherlands sales only grew from 2 6.5 and from 1.6 5 million euros respectively. Norway and Germany showed a different pattern, with falls in pineapple sales from 2.8 2 and 3 1.9 million euros.


Comparing the two tables, it is clear that in 2010 Fairtrade tea sales ranged from 1.8 4 million euros in these five countries, while pineapple sales also mostly clustered between 1.6 and 3 million euros, with Austria the outlier at a huge 16 million euros. By 2015, sales figures for both products had risen across the board, except for Norway and Germany which recorded drops in pineapple sales.


4.The table below gives information on visitor statistics for 1996,1998 and 2000 for 1996,1998 and 2000 for various??World Heritage sites in Australia.

The table compares the number of visits to five different World Heritage sites in Australia in three years 1996, 1998 and 2000.

Overall, the visitor numbers to Central Eastern Rainforest Reserve and Macquarie Island experienced a slight fall while an upward trend was seen in the figures for the other sites during the given period. It is readily apparent that Great Barrier Reef was the top tourist attraction whose popularity increased dramatically, in contrast to the smallest yet declining number recorded for Macquarie Island.

1,670,000 visits were made to Great Barrier Reef in 1996. This figure then doubled to reach 3,200,000 visitors in 2000. Undergoing a similar upward trend but at lower rates,the number of travelers to Blue Mountains and Tasmania Wilderness experienced a gradual rise from 526.000 to 581.000 and from 450,000 to 483,000 in order. Shark Bay attracted 84,000 visitors. In 1996, whose figure increased significantly to 102,000 tourists, followed by a drop of 13,000 in 2000.

By contrast, Central Eastern Rainforest Reserve welcomed 20,000 visits fewer every two years from 810,000 to 770,000 between 1996 and 2000. This site was still one of the top two attractions while Macquarie Island remained the least preferred World Heritage site in Australia with an average of 330 visits every year.

5. The table shows data about underground railways systems in six major cities with data opened, kilometres of route and passenger numbers per year in millions.


The table illustrates data regarding underground railways from six large cities in various parts of the world, showing year opened, kilometres of route and yearly passenger numbers in millions.Overall, London and Paris have the oldest underground train system in the world, compared to Los Angeles, which is relatively new. Passengers for Tokyo are the highest, in contrast to Kyoto, which has the lowest number of yearly passengers and the shortest route. The London underground, which opened in 1863, is the oldest network. It is also the most extensive with 394 kilometres of route. The railway system in Paris, which was opened in 1900, is approximately half the size and serves more passengers. The underground in Tokyo is the busiest of the three with 1928 million passengers yearly and 155 kilometres of route.Regarding the three other systems, Washington DC has the longest route of the three, in contrast, Kyoto has only 11 kilometres of route and the lowest passenger numbers of all the cities with 45 million passengers yearly. Following this, Los Angeles, which opened in 2001, has 28 kilometres of track and serves 50 million passengers per year.

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