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2020-08-06 11:45:01

在假期里爸爸带我们全家去了六朝古都南京旅游. On holidays dad brought our family went to the six dynasties nanjing tourism. 很幸运我们住的酒店就在风景迷人的钟山上. Luckily our hotel in the charming scenery zhongshan. 而且中山陵明孝陵灵古寺这些著名景点也都在钟山上. And sun yat sen mausoleum MingXiaoLing spirit kwu these famous scenic spot in zhongshan. 山道两旁高大茂盛的梧桐树就像两排忠实坚强的守卫兵矗立着. Road lined with tall lush trees like two rows of faithful strong guard soldiers standing. 当我们到达南京时已经是晚上6点多了我们先把行李放在酒店里就出去吃饭了. When we get to nanjing when it was evening before six o clock we first put my luggage in the hotel and went out to dinner. 我们简单的吃了一点麦当劳便出发去了南京有名的夜市——夫子庙. We simply ate some McDonalds and set off for the nanjing famous night market Confucius temple. 夜晚的夫子庙格外热闹大大小小的商店琳琅满目. The night of the Confucius temple particularly lively greatly small shop is dazzling. 有卖衣服的有卖糖果的有卖装饰品的有卖南京特色小吃的…… Have clothes have sell sweets sell accessories have sell nanjing characteristics snacks of... 穿过种类繁多的商店就看到了秦淮河秦淮河在夜光中显得格外美丽. Through a wide variety of shops would see the qinhuai river qinhuai river in luminescent seem extremely beautiful. 我们在秦淮河边吃了一些小点心现在想想那滋味真是难以忘怀. We ate in qinhuai river some snacks now think that flavor was unforgettable. 欣赏完秦淮河美丽的夜景我们就回去了当然了也不忘买一些雨花石和南京特色小吃. After enjoying the beautiful night qinhuai river, so we went back of course also do not forget to buy some extend and nanjing characteristics snacks. 妈妈还告诉我夫子庙有几百年大历史是中国最有名的夜市. Mother told me Confucius temple several hundred years history is Chinas most famous night market. 第二天我早早的起来了因为今天我们要去中山陵和明孝陵. The next day I got up early because today we are going to sun yat sen mausoleum and MingXiaoLing. 虽然登上中山陵让我累的气喘吁吁但是当我登上中山陵我的心中却有一种说不出的开心与激动当我踏上最高一级台阶时我往下看了一眼哇站在这里竟可以看见大半个南京! Although boarded sun yat sen mausoleum let me tired panting but when I boarded the sun yat sen mausoleum my heart but have a kind of inarticulate happy and excited when I stepped onto the highest step when I look down at wow stand here could see half a nanjing! 明孝陵里我印象最深的就是那些生龙活虎的石像了. I MingXiaoLing the deepest impression of stone that rank. 有马狮子大象麒麟骆驼等等. A horse lion elephants kylin camels, etc. 到了第三天我们去了灵古寺和位于南京市中心的玄武湖. On the third day, we went to the spirit and be located in the centre of nanjing kwu xuanwu lake.我们在灵古寺做了登山游览索道真是太刺激了! We made in spirit kwu cableway is so exciting mountain tour! 短短的南京三日游过去了却给我留下了深刻的印象. Short nanjing 3 swam at left a deep impression on me.



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