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2020-08-22 08:06:01

Chinas green mountains and rivers, are subjected to extreme abuse. A large amount of industrial waste water discharge pollution our nations blood. To cut down the forest area, and destroy, make the flood is wanton rampant, wherever you go, indeed, watch homes are swallowing, all heartache. Whats more, our countrys artery, the Yellow River, is no longer the former raising the Chinese nation origin of fish and water beautiful place, but became the world sediment concentration most rivers, every year away dirt, inestimable. Large the desertification of land, but also is hit we live in cities. People in order to seek their own interests, put in food additive to obtain huge profits. As the food poisoning and cause death things also happen from time to tome. On campus, students in order to facilitate and ignore environmental protection consciousness, chewing gum freely a vomit, the campus ground left a black "scar". This number also innumerable moral problems bothering the "Oriental dragon" and even influence the future development of it.By contrast, our neighbouring countries, Japan and South Korea, Japan and South Korea in the 2002 World Cup, the fans watching the football after the game, left seat didnt leave a waste, I still remember the newspaper reported that the title is "terrible, honorable, Japan and South Korea people". While the national in every public places together, all need staff repeatedly check, make sure no more junk. Whats more, when performance with the game is not so satisfactory, always can see the playground the ground stands with plastic bottles and waste paper mass garbage. In the United States, parents with children in the shopping mall and so on public place is, if there is garbage, no matter how far dustbin, parents will encourage their children, consciously put the rubbish into the garbage bag. While Chinese parents in children hands is rubbish, it is told he will throw garbage secretly in a corner, did not think of this will have what consequences. More exaggeration street relieve oneself and city small advertisements can be found everywhere. Dont talk to China and other developed countries gap in where, the above words should also can let you know it.Said to myself, Ive really had no attention to ethics, now, Im no longer a child, when the mouth have phlegm is, I think a little bit, took out paper towel, wrapped, and throw into the garbage can. When hands clutched the wrappers, I will also slightly thinking, until the hand sweat, I will also thrown into the trash can. When eyes facing the red light, I still be more thinking, silently waiting for the green light shining again... Do you want to ask me why, Ill tell you: I am a new generation of Chinese.Nowadays, the 21st century China in the development of the train unimpeded along, we still cant forget that "old" moral behavior, it is like a "double edged sword", can become development on the train "lubricating oil", also can become a development road of "a lion in the way". In the news reports continuously the economy, finance, agriculture production, cultural education at the same time, I also hope to see something about moral quality of the report. Tomorrows us, should how to action?I appeal the: dont destroy our own home, protect the environment is everybodys business, protect the environment starts from me, starts from now!



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