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2023-05-15 04:44:05




Green, full of green color, pure and lovely, the tall trees, lovely grass, in the vast prairie. It is peak green, I love green. The color of the green symbol of spring, the beginning of all things. But if the environment polluted persecution, our world is only gray left. Look at that, luxuriantly green brook, now filled with filar silk smell, very dirty, that fresh air is gone, which is the car of carbon dioxide in the air. Ground water levels fall, climate warming, air pollution and greenhouse effect...

We, from every little thing learned that could change the truth of life, an important enlightenment, also is a turning point in life, if everyone can become a green small guard, now, I want to the world how beautiful, how harmonious ah! Went up in every city in the big chimney, a large number of abandoned, carbon dioxide into the air, it was not as before so blue, the water is no longer clear.

This is my advice to protect water: 1, can be used but relatively clean water flush the toilet, clean the floor or water the flowers. 2, water intermittent can turn off the faucet, avoid unnecessary waste. 3, a small amount of clothes to wash, avoid washing machines wash with plenty of water. 4, take a bath, will be the beginning of the vacancy of the cold water savings, can wash the clothes or other use. These recommendations are usually comprehend the truth of life. Blue earth mother, only the human and the nature harmonious development, don't be collected, deforestation, and consciously to protect trees, and water, I think you won't get so many natural disasters in the world, Arbor Day, world environment protection, and many other festivals, these are warned us: we have only one earth, we better good to protect him. Now the earth has become a big greenhouses, mainly because: automobile tail emissions is overmuch, cause the hole in the ozone layer...

The earth is everyone's home, protect the earth, starts from me, start from now, start from around things. In this way, our world will be more beautiful, more harmonious!




这是我的保护水资源的建议:1、可以把用过的但相对比较干净的水冲马桶、擦地板或者浇花。2、 用水间歇可以把水龙头关上,避免不必要的浪费。 3、 少量的衣服用手洗,避免洗衣机洗时使用大量的水。4、 洗澡时,将开头空房的冷水积蓄起来,可以洗衣服或别的用场。这些的建议都是在平时生活当中所领悟到的道理。蓝色的地球妈妈,只有人与自然协调发展,不要过分采集,乱砍乱伐,自觉去保护树木,与水资源,我想世界上就不会出现那么多自然灾害了,植树节,世界环境保护日等许多的节日,这些都在告诫我们:我们只有一个地球,我们要好好的保护他。现在的地球已经成了个大暖房,主要是因为:汽车尾排放过多,造成臭氧层空洞。。。





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