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2020-08-22 12:00:01

低碳环保英语作文 120 字低碳环保英语作文 120 字 society,low carbon life With the development of becomes more and moreimportant. Some people think it is very difficult to fact,we can do a lot of things . First, as a student,some of us can ride a bike to go to school, or walk to school every can not only saveenergy but also it is good to our healty. Second,when we leave the classroom,remember to turn off the lights, so it can save third, we can use the water circulary.Fourth,we can use the paper adequately . I think if everyone does something for the low carbon life,the world will become more and more beautiful. 低碳环保英语作文 120 字 当今社会是一个高度发达的科技的社会 . 然而 , 在开发过程的不足是显而易见的 , 如 : 二氧化碳气体,污染环境.但最严重的应该是二氧化碳问题 . 现在全球变暖问题 , 因为过多的温室气体的排放 . 过多的二 氧化碳排放量,创造出一种多元化的经济和拉尼娜现象滞后 紊乱 . 两个层次的冰河融化 , 极地动物失去生存的机会的同 时 , 将导致海平面上升 , 许多沿海城市入水并没有导致几年 后.因此,我们必须采取必要的措施 ,以减少对环境影响的二2016 全新精品资料 全新公文范文 全程指导写作 –独家原创 1/4 ★精品文档★ 氧化碳 . 例如 : 植树造林活动 , 减少化石燃料的使用 , 我们可 以从我们自己的行为,促进低碳生活. As a human,we are all living under the same clouds and walk on the same much to is only one earth and there isntone takes too much,then there will be one who everyone takes too much,then all of us willhas to takehave nothing left to take. As the shadow of a leafless tree fills my wall at night,my heart feels so dark and cold but nothing can keep it warm and only tree in five miles will be cutteddown sooner by others then there is nothing left to make a was used by factors and the sky is covered by istoo late to be corrected and no one caredgave us abeautiful world to live and to share,and there is nothing else we could ask all have theresponsibilities to take caresaying how much you loveit,but do something by actions. I know the things I said still didnt happen and hopefull it wont it might happen if everyone iscareless and selfish,if everyone only cares about their own business but not the other,if everyone thinks there are a lot to take which there about our offsprings,and2016 全新精品资料 全新公文范文 全程指导写作 –独家原创 2/4 ★精品文档★ we all hope the birds will sing every morning,the fish can swim in te sea,and the branches can dance in the wind,dont we?In conclusion,I want to say if everyone gives out a little bit of love,we will be all living in a warm and nice environment to build a house westart from a brick,to create a nice environment we need everyone of us. 低碳环保英语作文 120 字 In this there is alsosome of the carbon trading mechanisms,such as emission reductions for developed countries to bear when the emission reduction targets by developing countries to reduce subsidies in developing countries to achieve the objective of reducing emissions of six greenhouse gasemissions which,we believe that this which can make a reduction in the amount of calculation,the total of the plate in the inside,the United States decreased by 30 million tonnes of emissions,then how such emission reductions it An energy efficient way,such as building energy accounted for 40% to 50%,the cost is relatively low,transportation accounted for 20% to 30% more money another way Such as investment in new energyvehicles,this car is more expensive,the cheapest way2016 全新精品资料 全新公文范文 全程指导写作 –独家原创 3/4 ★精品文档★ is to segment solar,we have the economic effect of speaking,solar energy is the most economical,then the amount of building is the largest.2016 全新精品资料 全新公文范文 全程指导写作 –独家原创 4/4



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