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我的故乡年气候作文英文一定要写故乡的年气候 如12月 1月多云 很冷 2月开始转暖一

2020-09-10 12:09:01

The climate in Beijing is of the continental type,with cold and dry winters,due to the Siberian air massses that move southward across the Mongolian Plateau.The summers are hot owing to warm and humid monsoon winds from the southeast bringing Beijing most of its annual precipitation.January is the coldest month and July is the warmest.Winter usually begins towards the end of October.The summer months,June to August,are wet and hot with about 40% of the annual precipitation.Beijings climate is defined as "continental monsoon." The four seasons are distinctly recognizable.Spring and autumn is the best time to be in Beijing,particularly in the months of April,May,September and October.Autumn is considered to be the best time to visit Beijing as the skies are clear and the weather is very pleasent.The four seasons are very clear in Beijing with a temperate spring,rainy summer,clear autumn,and a cold,snowy winter.The average temperature throughout the year is 11.80.The coldest month is January with an average temperature of 4.60 and the hottest month is July at an average temperature of 26.10.Unfortunately,spring and autumn are shorter than summer and winter.Although winter is can be a little cold,that should not keep you from traveling to Beijing as indoor heating is widely available.AS this the low season prices are lower and Beijing is less crowded.Nevertheless,as the indoor/outdoor temperature difference is rather large,travelers should be prepared with warm clothing and a thick coat is recommended for the colder months of the year.In winter,off season discounts are to be had as well. Clothing in BeijingIn autumn,jeans and a sweater are usually enough.In the warmer months,T shirts and light pants or shorts are the best bet.In the colder months,it is wise to dress in layers:long underwear and jeans,shirt,sweater and down jacket.If you want to go local,you can buy a thick cotton army coat jun da yi for less than 100 yuan 12 bucks.Rain gear is necessary,especially during the summer months.还附加季节的衣着.

我的故乡年气候作文英文一定要写故乡的年气候 如12月 1月多云 很冷 2月开始转暖一定要把12个月份都写上 单词数量不限 能说清楚就好!一定要写北京的年气候 要英文的!一定是英文的作业帮



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