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英语作文你的美国网友Mike寒假到北京旅游 请你给他写封Email 介绍你为他安排的行程

2020-09-26 22:40:01



Mike:Welcome you to Beijing tourism!I think I can arrange some trips for you in four days, you can experience the folk culture: visit the museum, to understand Chinese history and culture. Visit the zoo, and cute animal communication, you will see the national treasure of China the panda, it is friendly and cute.Do you want to visit the Imperial Palace? The Imperial Palace is located in Beijing City, formerly known as the forbidden city. There are many famous scenic spots. Believe that the journey to the Imperial Palace can bring you unforgettable memories.Climb the magnificent the Great Wall was a matter of willpower thing, wish you a successful summit!The temple is a set of idle away in seeking pleasure in one of the folk entertainment activities. Pray for a bumper grain harvest, meaning it has good weather, the people of Ankang, is Chinas traditional customs.I wish you happy playing!Your friends:Daming Mike: 欢迎你来到北京旅游! 我想我能为你安排一些行程,在四天中你可以体验到民俗文化:参观博物馆,了解到中国的历史文化.参观动物园,与可爱的动物交流,你会看到中国的国宝——熊猫,它既友善又可爱. 你想游览故宫吗?故宫位于北京市中心,旧称紫禁城.里面有许多著名的景点.相信故宫之旅能给你带来难忘的回忆. 爬宏伟的长城是一件需要毅力的事情,愿你能成功登顶 ! 庙会是一种集吃喝玩乐于一体的民间性娱乐活动.它具有祈福五谷丰登、风调雨顺、百姓安康的美好寓意,是中国的传统习俗. 祝你玩的开心! 你的网友: 大明

英语作文你的美国网友Mike寒假到北京旅游 请你给他写封Email 介绍你为他安排的行程 第一天参观博物馆和动物园 第二



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