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2020-09-28 12:00:01

apparel [ ?p??r?l ] . .

n. 衣服,装具

v. 使...穿衣,装饰

[ 过去式appareled/apparelled 过去分词appareled/apparelled 现在分词appareling/apparelling 第三人称单数apparels/apparels ]

age [ eid? ] . .

n. 年龄

v. 使变老

vi. 变老

[ 过去式aged 过去分词aged 现在分词aging 名词ager ]

association [ ?,s?usiei??n ] . .

n. 联合,结合,交往,协会,社团

[ 形容词associational ]

attention [ ?ten??n ] . .

n. 注意,口令立正!

[ 形容词atten tional ]

service [ s?:vis ] . .

n. 服务,公务部门,服役

vt. 维护,保养

[ 过去式serviced 过去分词serviced 现在分词servicing ]

smile [ smail ] . .

n. 微笑,喜色

v. 微笑,喜色

[ 过去式smiled 过去分词smiled 现在分词smiling 名词smiler 形容词smiley 副词smilingly ]

speaker [ spi:k? ] . .

n. 说话者,发言者,说某种语言者,扬声器

[ 名词speakership ]

subject [ s?bd?ikt ] . .

n. 科目,主题

a. 服从的,易患的

[ 名词subjection ]

stop [ st?p ] . .

n. 停止,车站,滞留

v. 停止,停止,制止

[ 过去式stopped 过去分词stopped 现在分词stopping 形容词stoppable ]

vacant [ veik?nt ] . .

a. 空的

[ 名词vacantness

valuable [ v??lju?bl ] . .

a. 贵重的,有价值的

n. pl.贵重物品

[ 名词valuableness 副词valuably ]

view [ vju: ] . .

n. 视野,风景,见解

v. 看,考虑

[ 形容词viewable

virus [ vai?r?s ] . .

n. 病毒

[ 复数viruses

vivify . .


[ 过去式vivified 过去分词vivified 第三人称单数vivifies 名词vivification ]

generate [ d?en?,reit ] . .

v. 产生,发生

[计算机] 产生

[ 过去式generated 过去分词generated 现在分词generating ]

gentle [ d?entl ] . .

a. 温和的,文雅的

[ 过去式gentled 过去分词gentled 现在分词gentling 形容词比较级gentler 形容词最高级gentlest 名词gentleness 副词gently ]

gothic [ g?θik ] . .

a. 哥特式的

[ 副词Gothically

gum [ g?m ] . .

n. 树胶,橡皮,橡皮糖

v. 涂以树胶,使...有粘性

[ 过去式gummed 过去分词gummed 现在分词gumming ]


gum [ g?m ] . .


1. a preparation usually made of sweetened chicle for chewing

同义词: chewing gum

2. the tissue covered by mucous membrane of the jaws that surrounds the bases of the teeth

同义词: gingiva

3. any of various substances soluble in water that exude from certain plants

4. cement consisting of a sticky substance that is used as an adhesive

同义词: glue mucilage

5. wood or lumber from any of various gum trees especially the sweet gum

同义词: gumwood

6. any of various trees of the genera Eucalyptus or Liquidambar or Nyssa that are sources of gum

同义词: gum tree

1. cover, fill, fix or smear with or as if with gum

if you gum the tape it is stronger

2. grind with the gums

同义词: mumble

3. become sticky

4. exude or form gum

these trees gum in the Spring

grace [ greis ] . .

n. 优雅,雅致,魅力,恩惠,慈悲

[ 过去式graced 过去分词graced 现在分词gracing ]

grade [ greid ] . .

n. 年级

v. 学校的年级,成绩,分数,等级,级别

vt. 分级,记成绩

[ 过去式graded 过去分词graded 现在分词grading ]

fantastic [ f??nt??stik ] . .

a. 极好的,难以相信的,奇异的,幻想的

[ 名词fantasticality 副词fantastically 异体字fantastical ]

ford [ f?:d ] . .

n. 浅滩

v. 涉过,涉水

[ 形容词fordable

fragile [ fr??d?ail ] . .

a. 易碎的,脆的

[ 名词fragility ]

file [ fail ] . .

n. 档案,公文箱,锉刀

v. 列队行进,归档,申请

[计算机] 文件

[ 过去式filed 过去分词filed 现在分词filing ]

forum [ f?:r?m ] . .

n. 论坛,讨论会

yawn [ j?:n ] . .

n. 呵欠

v. 打呵欠

[ 名词yawner

yellow [ jel?u ] . .

a. 黄色的

n. 黄色

[ 名词yellowness ]

yawn [ j?:n ] . .

n. 呵欠

v. 打呵欠

[ 名词yawner ]

warehouse [ w??haus ] . .

n. 仓库

v. 存入仓库

[ 过去式warehoused 过去分词warehoused 现在分词warehousing 名词warehouser ]

wealth [ welθ ] . .

n. 财产,财富,大量,丰富

wince [ wins ] . .

n. 畏缩,退避

v. 畏缩,退缩,退避

weight [ weit ] . .

n. 重量,体重,重担

weight [ weit ] . .

n. 重量,体重,重担

hearty [ hɑ:ti ] . .

a. 诚恳的,热烈的,旺盛的

[ 形容词比较级heartier 形容词最高级heartiest 复数hearties 名词heartiness ]

hiccup [ hik?p ] . .

n. 打嗝

[ 过去式hiccupped/hiccoughed 过去分词hiccupped/hiccoughed 现在分词hiccupping/hiccoughing 第三人称单数hiccups/hiccoughs ]


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  1. 2020-10-16 09:32zzq[香港网友]IP:737806113


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