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2020-09-29 01:20:01

书面表达结合你所经历的一次自然灾害写一篇短文,提示内容如下:去年6月25日,一场暴雨袭击了我的家乡。我在学校上课,因为雨大,李老师让我们早点回家。在回家的路上,我看见许多人在车站等车。一阵大风吹跑了我的雨伞... ...大雨下了一夜,第二天... ...A strong rainstorm hit my home town. It happened on June 25th last year. I was at school. Because it rained heavily, Mr. Li asked us to go home early. On my way home, I saw many people waiting for the bus at the station. A strong wind blew away my umbrella. I nearly fell down. When I got home, I was all wet. It rained for the whole night. On the second day, the rainwater was everywhere. The traffic was very bad because of the rainstorm. We were all late for school.书面表达请你根据以下信息内容提示,写一篇关于校园安全的短文。提示:1.进行体育锻炼时,不要伤到自己;2.学校走廊比较窄,因此,上下楼梯时,不要拥挤;3. 不要和同学吵架或是打架;4. 不靠近火源,更不能玩火;5.不吃垃圾食品。要求:1.语句通顺,表达准确,内容连贯;2.短文可以适当发挥;但要包含以上要点。3.词数:80 100词。短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:伤到自己 get ourselves injured走廊 hallways 吵架或是打架 quarrel or fightSafety has become the focus to us all. How to be safe at school is very important to us students. 时态:一般现在时人称:第一人称we,I书面表达各档次的给分范围和要求:第五档:9~10分能写明全部或绝大部分内容要点;语言基本无误;行文连贯,表达清楚。第四档:7~8分能写明全部或大部分内容要点;语言有少量错误;行文连贯,表达基本清楚。第三档:5~6分能写明大部分内容要点;语言错误较多,尚能达意。第二档:3~4分只能写出少部分内容要点;语言错误很多,只有个别句子可读。第一档:0~2分只能写出与所要求内容有关的一些单词。卷面工整,写了就得分只写对的,不写错的Correct mistakes1.I want to share you some advices.I want to share some advice with you.2. When you do some PE sport, do not get ourselves injured.When we do sports, do not get ourselves injured.3. School hallways is always not wide, so dont crowded when you up and down stairs.School hallways are always not wide enough, so dont crowd when you go upstairs or downstairs.4.Dont keep clear of fires, Dont play fire.Keep clear of fires and dont play with fire.5. Do not eat bad foods, Its bad to you healthy.Do not eat junk food because its bad for your health.书面表达请你根据以下信息内容提示,写一篇关于校园安全的短文。提示:1.进行体育锻炼时,不要伤到自己;When we do sports, dont get ourselves injured.2.学校走廊比较窄,因此,上下楼梯时,不要拥挤;School hallways are too narrow, so dont crowd when we go upstairs or downstairs.3. 不要和同学吵架或是打架;Dont quarrel or fight with classmates.4. 不靠近火源,更不能玩火;Keep clear of fires and dont play with fire.5.不吃垃圾食品。Dont eat junk food.参考词汇:伤到自己 get ourselves injured走廊 hallways 吵架或是打架 quarrel or fight书面表达Safety has become the focus to us all. How to be safe at school is very important to us students.1.When we do sports, dont get ourselves injured.2.School hallways are too narrow, so dont crowd when we go upstairs or downstairs.3.Dont quarrel or fight with classmates.4.Keep clear of fires and dont play with fire.5.Dont eat junk food.书面表达的基本要求1.词数:80~100个。2.短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。3.要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥。先过词汇关,拒绝当文盲识数,90词左右根据所给的汉语或英语提示构思全篇,不跑题有逻辑,有连接词and, but, so, besides, although, because, so that …书面表达Safety has become the focus to us all. How to be safe at school is very important to us students.1.When we do sports, dont get ourselves injured.2.School hallways are too narrow, so dont crowd when we go upstairs or downstairs.3.Dont quarrel or fight with classmates.4.Keep clear of fires and dont play with fire.5.Dont eat junk food.书面表达Safety has become the focus to us all. How to be safe at school is very important to us students.When we do sports, dont get ourselves injured. School hallways are too narrow, so dont crowd when we go upstairs or downstairs. Dont quarrel or fight with classmates. Keep clear of fires and dont play with fire. Dont eat junk food.Use somewordsto connect the sentences togetherFirstly, First, First of allSecondly, SecondThirdly, ThirdFinally, In the end, At last书面表达Safety has become the focus to us all. How to be safe at school is very important to us students.First of all,when we do sports, do not get ourselves injured.Second,school hallways are too narrow, so do not crowd when we go upstairs or downstairs.Third,do not quarrel or fight with classmates.Fourth,keep clear of fires and do not play with fire.In the end,do not eat junk food.In short, fo 学科网每份资料都启用了数字版权保护,仅限个人学习研究使用。任何分享、转载行为都会导致账号被封,情节严重者,追究法律责任!

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  1. 2021-09-02 20:16天国幽兰[辽宁省网友]IP:16842856
  2. 2020-05-04 22:13SZH[香港网友]IP:3407623856


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