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2020-09-29 02:40:01

* Measures to prevent sandstorms 哈尔滨市第11中学 蔡红春 Haze in Beijing Haze in Beijing Sandstorms in Beijing sandstorms in Beijing as a result of “desertification” a major disaster wear a mask be caught in a sandstorm forecast a sandstorm dig up grass take measures to do cut down trees thick dust wake up to an orange sky Quiz Show 抢答时间 take in carbon dioxide have a bad effect on reduce pollution cause / do damage to advise sb to do 1.Sandstorms are strong , dry winds . They can carry a lot of sand. para 2 5.If a sandstorm strikes the city,you’d better not go out according to weather experts. para 5 3.Sandstorms in China seem to have increased because of desertification. para 3 4.At times the storms last all day and traffic moves very slowly because the drivers can’t see clearly. para 4 2. It was a frightening experience because he was stuck in a sandstorm. para 2 6.Trees are being planted by the government in order to stop the desert coming nearer. para 6 Review Time Try to find similar sentences in the reading on p32. They are strong , dry winds that / which carry a lot of dust. To have been caught in a sandstorm was a terrible experience. 1.Sandstorms are strong , dry winds .They can carry a lot of sand. para 2 2. It was a scary experience because he was stuck in a sandstorm. para 2 Try to find similar sentences in the reading . Review Show 3.Sandstorms in China seem to have increased because of desertification. para 3 Sandstorms in China appear to have increased as a result of desertification. Try to find the similar sentence in the reading. Review Show 4.At times the storms last all day and traffic moves very slowly because the drivers can’t see clearly. para 4 The storms sometimes continue all day and traffic moves very slowly because the thick dust make it difficult to see clearly. Try to find similar sentences in the reading. Review Show When a sandstorm arrives in the city , weather experts advise people not to go out . 5.If a sandstorm strikes the city,you’d better not go out according to weather experts. para 5 To prevent the desert coming nearer, the government is planting trees. 6.Trees are being planted by the government in order to stop the desert coming nearer. para 6 Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 Para 5 Para 6 a major disaster sandstorms descriptions of sandstorms causes of sandstroms effects of sandstorms measures to prevent sandstorms advice of the weather experts’ Review Time Match the main ideas of each paragraph. What effective measures should we take to prevent sandstorms ? Challenge Time Let’s make the sentence long. 扩展句子 The best measure is to plant trees. The best measure to prevent sandstorms is to plant trees. The best measure to prevent sandstorms is to plant trees. What’s more, planting grass is necessary. So let’s take action now ,or the earth would become dangerous and lifeless. As is known to us all,the best measure to prevent sandstorms is to plant trees. What’s more, planting grass is necessary. So let’s take action now, or the earth would become dangerous and lifeless. The best measure to prevent sandstorms is to plant trees. What’s more, planting grass is necessary. 添加定语 添加插入成分 添加并列句 添加非限制性定语从句 简单句 Only by planting trees can we prevent sandstorms coming nearer. The government is fighting desertification by planting trees in order to prevent sandstorms coming nearer. Nothing is more important than planting trees .Therefore, let’s take action now. More trees should be planted in order to stop sandstorms. Faced with sandstorms, we should make it a duty to plant more trees. It’s because trees are so important that we should plant more trees. Let’s use various sentences. 句式多样化 状语从句 倒装句 否定句 强调句 被动语态 非谓语动词 Show Time Looking forward to your excellent sentences. *



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