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M7~M12 英语作文 ——demon

2020-10-12 14:35:01

M7~M12英语作文——demon 阅读:2011 01 14 20:59 标签: M7Our English teacher is Miss Chen. She is very friendly and lovely.She is our best friend. Miss Chen is very young and beautiful. MissChen not very tall, but she is very thin. She has straight andblack hair. She looks very beautiful! Miss Chen can speak not onlyEnglish, but also French .We all getting on well with her .She asan older sister for us .I love you Miss chenM8Hi LinLin.Next Saturday is my Birthday Party. I’ll be happy if youcan go there. The party will start at 7pm this Saturday. Our homeis opposite the station. My house is red .It’s very easy to find it.Our door is yellow .On that street, only our house ’door is yellow.However I hope you go and take part in my birthday party. I’ll behappy of that.M9The tiger is very famous in the world. Because is the king of theforests. May some people think there are lots of tiger in theworld? But in fact, there are only about 5000 tigers in the world.Most of them live in India、Indonesia、Malaysia、C 我的更多文章



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