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2020-10-20 15:20:01



Success Starts with Doing Small Things

⑴In the picture presented to us, the son says, “Dad, I am a bit worried about disposing of nuclear waste.”⑵The father replies, “If you can empty the dustbin here, you can do anything.” and points the garbage can beside him. ⑶Obviously, what the cartoon symbolically illustrates is that many people around us seem to be so ambitious that they have no patience with the small things.

⑷However, no one can disclaim the importance of doing small things. ⑸First of all, doing small things is a good way to forge excellent qualities and lays the solid foundation for doing something big. ⑹By doing small things, people cultivate themselves to be more careful, attentive and patient with the things they work with.

⑺What’s more, doing small things is good for breeding sense of responsibility. ⑻In addition, doing small things enable people to accumulate experience and knowledge, and master skills so that they can be better prepared before undertaking something big.

⑼To sum up, doing small things well first is of importance. ⑽For one thing, we shouldn’t always think to do great things. ⑾For another, we should realize that every great ambition can be achieved only when we start from doing small things. ⑿All in all, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.



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