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2020-10-20 19:20:01

中文作为第二外语在美国有其必要还是一个威胁(英文)@OUYANG,Ronghua$University of North Florida @STANLEY,NileUnited States is a county with existence of multiple languages and integration of different cultures. According to Jason Oxenham2016, Chinese is one of the three best language to learn in United States. Statistics show that Chinese as a second language is one of the top two languages spoken in the United States. The two largest languages in the United States are Spanish and Chinese. Based on the U. S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey 2016, the population of speaking Chineseincluding Mandarin and Cantonese has been reached 3.4 million. However, Chinese as a second language has been smeared, Confucius Institutes who is dedicated to provide Chinese instruction and Chinese culture sharing was attacked by few politicians in the United States recently. In a result of a few Universities are forced to close their Confucius Institutes, K 12 schools have to cut off their Chinese programs in the United States. Chinese language instructors cannot come to teach Chinese as a second language in the United States and current Chinese language instructors in the United States have to leave for their own institutions in China. Then the questions are: 1 Should academic arenas be interfered by a few politicians in the United States? 2 What is happening and what should Americans, including Chinese Americans, be aware of now? and 3 Is Chinese as a second Language a necessity or a threat in the United St



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