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2020-10-21 00:00:01


三、关于利弊、优缺点的句型:①A have or has a lot of advantages over B与 相比有许多优点例:Rich has a lot of advantages over you since he can speak German and French. 理奇比你占优势,因为他会讲德语和法语。②be of great benefit to sb./sth. 对 有益例:This project is of great benefit to everyone. 这项工程对每个人都大有好处。③ benefit sb./sth. 对 有好处例:The sea air will benefit you. 译文:海边的空气对你有益。④ do a lot of good to sb. 对 有许多好处例:Morning exercise is a lot of good to you. 早晨锻炼对你很有好处。⑤ be as not so good as ,例:What he does is not so good as what he says. 他说的不如做的好。⑥ not so much as 与其说 , 不如说 。例:Rapid population growth is due not so much less than the birth rate rose as a result of the decline in mortality. 人口的迅速增长与其说是由于出生率年升还不如说是由于死亡率的下降。例:It benefits us in many ways/respects。 在很多方面对我们有利。⑦Doing sth. is beneficial to 例:Taking exercise is beneficial to our bones. 运动对我们的骨骼有益。

四、说明原因的句型:①There are reasons for 有 的原因例:There are two reasons for the changes in people s living conditions. First, we have been carrying out an opening and reform policy. Second, our national economy is developing rapidly and the birth rate has been put under control. 人们的生活条件发生改变有两方面的原因。首先,我们一直在贯彻执行改革开放政策。其次,我们的经济正在迅速发展并且出生率得到控制。②We have good reasons for 我们有很好的理由 例:We have many good reasons to object to smoking in public places. 我们有很多很好的理由来反对在公共场所吸烟。③The reason for is that 的理由是 例:The reason for my being late was that I missed the bus。 我迟到的理由是没赶上公共汽车。④ Several factors are responsible for the phenomenon. 造成这种现象的因素有几种。⑤ Their opinion is based on the fact that 他们的观点是基于一个事实,即 ⑥Those who are in favor of the believe that 那些表示赞成的人们认为 ⑦These/ The following are my reasons for my choice. 以下是我选择的理由。



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