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英文建议信高中水平急急急给外国人写一封建议信两封人任选其一 爱问知识人

2020-10-21 04:35:01

自己写的 希望给分 2 my dear friend ,im really glad that you are interested in chinese ,as a chinese people,I have to tell you that chinese is really a hard language ,It has really a long history ,you have to work really hard and keep study without complaining,but if you can really put yourself in it, you will find actually chinese is really funny,now id like to give you some little tips in learning english 1 you should first learn how to distingush the four diffirent tone in chinese ,your country may only have two tones in oral language ,so you should work really hard on the pronounciation of chinese 2 our chinese words are not combined by some letters but some single character you should take a lone time in remebering those single character,only in this way can you improve you chinese really fast Thats all for my comments,Hope it can help you your sincerely xx 就这么多了,希望能满意给个分,谢谢。



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