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求一篇英文作文我的寒假计划60字左右初一60字将来时跪谢 爱问知识人

2020-10-25 23:35:01

Winter holiday is coming。 I will do many things during the holiday。 Here is my plan。 First ,Ill finish my homework 。 Then, Ill do some reading。 I like reading very much, I think winter holiday is the best time for reading。 Next , when I have time ,Ill play computer games with my friends。 I think that will be fun。 Oh, Ill go to the cimema, too。 Ill see many good movies there。 At last ,Ill do something for my parents。 I think theyll be very happy。 This is my plan for my winter holiday。 I believe Ill have an interesting holiday。 注:Ill 也可以换为 Im going to ,看你喜欢用哪个啦!希望你满意!。



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