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2020-10-28 06:45:01

20 年后的我英语作文及翻译 Twenty years later, I was a great scientist, I use my talents to benefit mankind. In 20 years later, I with my talents to benefit the human, in the endless desert I sow the seeds, and my quot;rapid growth liquid quot; make the desert into an oasis. I came to the dirty river, went to the river and the quot;evolution potion quot; make originally stinking creek on the bottom. Let the small fish swimming, let dragonfly flying over the river. I went to the river bank, planted all kinds of plants, let a butterfly, let the bird fly freely in the sky, let the animals chased down. I came to the atmosphere, let my robot evolution in the air. I went to the road, the car turned them into no vent solar fly, let people breathe the fresh air. I went to the mountains, let it become the paradise of people. I went to the hospital, give each of the magic of the doctor can cure all ills. Let every patient recovery. Sure my wish will come true! 20 年后的我已是一位伟大的科学家,我用我的聪明才智造福了人类。 在 20 年后,我以我的聪明才智造福了人类,我在一望无际的大沙漠里撒下 了种子, 并用我的 ldquo;快速生长液 rdquo;使沙漠变成了一片绿洲。 我来到了 肮脏的河边, 往河里撒下了 ldquo;进化药水 rdquo;使原本臭气熏天的小河变得 清澈见底。让小鱼自由的游来游去,让蜻蜓在小河上空飞来飞去。我来到河岸, 种下了各种奇花异草,让蝴蝶飞舞,让小鸟在天空中自由的飞翔,让动物们追打 嬉戏。我来到大气层,让我的机器人进化空气。我来到公路,把汽车改装成无排 气筒的太阳能飞翔器,让人们呼吸到新鲜空气。我来到荒山,让它变成人们的乐 园。我来到医院,给予每位医生能治百病的魔力。让每一位病人都康复。 相信我的愿望一定会实现的!



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