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初中英语作文:Michael Jordan

2020-10-28 15:20:01

初中英语作文:Michael Jordan 关于介绍球星迈克尔·乔丹的英语作文2013 04 25 22:13:00 无忧考网Michael Jordan used to be an NBA member in the U. S. A. He is a legend sports man. His great skill is so amazing that people call him a flying man. Although he is not very tall in the basketball field, his wonderful skill always helps him to win games. He isn’t a professional basketball player of NBA now,but he is still a good example in NBA. A few weeks ago, he came to visit China. So many of his fans followed his track in Beijing in order to have a look at this great sports star. 注释: 1 a legend sports man传奇体育人物 2 a flying man飞人 3 in the basketball field在篮球界 4 a professional basketball player职业篮球运动员 5 in order to have a look at this great sports star为T一睹这位伟大的体育明星的风采



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