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2020-11-06 07:25:01

写作目的是让你分析为什么文章有说服力,所以重点要放在前面。比如论证手法,structure,reasoning;作为辅助的各种修辞如word choice,humor,rhetorical question等等也许是文章最明显的特点,但也要放在后面。



In his essay +标题, X delivers a masterful dissertation that + 文章的主旨 ….. By the end of the piece the reader will likely find themselves nodding in agreement with what X has to say, and this isn’t just because s/he’s right. X, like any good writer, employs O,P ,and Q to plead with the audience to take his side.

这里的“O,P ,and Q”为大家真考时要写的点,如:

various reasons

credible evidence

meticulous diction

effective structures

effective rhetorical devices

use of first person pronouns

END新SAT写作Body段落基本是「内容+分析+效果」的三层结构。 「分析+效果」的长度大约是「内容」的两倍。以下的套路均可用在这个部分。 Clear and multiple reasons empower the persuasiveness of this essay. The author includes such possible ailments to remind reader that... After revealing the first reason to.., the author transits smoothly to mention… Now the readers realizes the second reason… is essential. X further strengthens his argument by mentioning… By reading this readers would probably come to the revelation that… With three comprehensive and critical reasons, the author structures a solid argument that cannot easily be argues against.

1. Fact/Statistics:

The truth in the numbers is undeniable, and he cites his sources promptly, making the statement that much more authentic. Knowledge is often viewed as power, and with information as direct as a statistic, X is handing that power to the reader the power to agree with him.

These facts back up X’s claims that …. Without these evidence, X’s passage would not mean a thing to us readers and we would never be able to believe what he has said.

2. we/first person pronouns:

The author not only create a powerful cadence but also include him and the reader in a unified body. …the reader feels that x no longer argues from the opposite side but from the same side as the reader. The first person pronouns invoke a special feeling of camaraderie…In this way, X is able to affect the reader emotionally through his repetitive use of “we”

3. Humour :

His humour diction provides a link between he and the audience, revealing not only an opportunity to laugh, but also reinforcement of the concept that X is trustworthy and just like someone else.










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