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2020-11-06 07:25:01

一、 的中间段的重要性 的文章结构分为三个部分,文章是开头,中间,结尾,就像一个汉堡包,汉堡包分为上下面包,以及中间夹着的肉和蔬菜。很明显,汉堡包的中间部分更为可口美味。同样,对于 文章来说,中间段是文章的灵魂。那么,今天我们主要来看看SAT 中间段的写法。 二、中间段的具体操作 我们知道,中间段主要是由例子构成,一个完整的例子,包含主题句、例子阐述、议论句,今天我们主要看看,如何写例子段落的主题句,例子阐述和议论句。 1、主题句的写法 主题句(TS)应该告诉读者本段的主旨或围绕的话题。 这里给大家介绍一种比容易操作的TS的写法。 名字+同位语(国别+身份)+ 定语从句(主题词)+could aptly illustrate my point/ could serve as a compelling/ striking exampleof my point. 比如,就刚刚Oprah Winfrey这个例子,我们的TS可以写成: Oprah Winfrey, a prestigious American talkshow host, who overcame dramatically and exceedingly formidable adversitythrough her persistent endeavor and eventually succeeded , could serve as astriking example of my point. 2、写例子阐述的时候,我们可以运用传统意义上的起、承、转、合。 首先解释一下,什么是起、承、转、合。 起: 背景介绍 当时环境,渲染观点 承: 在这样的背景下,.... 转: 但是,主人公却.... 合: 结果 影响 扣题 我们通过一道题目,来看看,起、承、转、合是如何在写作例子段运用的。 Do people truly benefit from hardship andmisfortune ? 我们之前说过如何审题,先看看题目是说,我们是不是能从苦难和不幸中学到东西,到底是能学到东西还是不能学到东西? 我们说过,哪方面例子多,就毫不犹豫的支持哪方。这里,我们选择支持我们能够从苦难和不幸中学到东西。我们可以举出很多例子,比如,大家非常熟悉的NickVujicic,或者是Waris Dirie,或者是OprahWinfrey。今天,我们用Oprah Winfrey来举例说明,如何写,起、承、转、合。 起 背景介绍(当时环境,渲染观点) Oprah Winfrey, who was born into poverty inrural Mississippi in 1954 to a teenage singlemother, experienced considerable hardships during her childhood, includingbeing raped at the age of nine and becoming pregnant at pregnant 14, and herson died in infancy. 承:在这样的背景下... It was her strict, but encouraging fatherwho made her education a priority that changed her life. 三句:转 主人公.... At the same time, she never surrender toher destiny, and landed a job in radio station in high school, then beganco anchoring the local evening news at 19, later on, her programs weretransferred to the daytime talk show arena. Finally, she became one of the mostprestigious talk show host in America , even in the world, andthe atest black philanthropist in American history. She is also, accordingto some assessment, the most influential womanin the world. 四句:合 结果 影响 扣题 Oprah Winfreys experience assures that,through persistent effort, people could truly benefit from hardship andmisfortune. 3、议论部分惯用伎俩 Had she / he / it not… we may / may not… Not until… can we… If… we may not… 结合刚刚Oprah Winfrey的题目,我们可以写成 Had she not unceasingly and persistentlypursued her career in spite of considerable misfortune, Oprah Winfrey wouldnever become such a blistering and brilliant idol. 三 总结 其实,掌握了写作方法,SAT的例子段落也并不是不可突破的,大家一定要记住,一个完整的SAT中间段,包含主题句、例子阐述、议论句。每个部分,上面都分析了写作方法,希望对大家有所帮助。



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