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2020-11-11 10:20:01

As a Chinese person should be a very polite person, because we are a traditional ceremonies.In fact, everywhere around us, courteous located, I have seen many polite people and do not speak polite person.On one occasion, I and my brother playing outside, not accidentally playing the bad brothers toy car, and I quickly said: "Im sorry brother, I will give you buy one!" My brother smiled and said: "OK, I had not want to play it, you do not hurt! "his brother said with a smile these words touched me, and more tolerance! I was also concerned about the injury did not hurt, he must be a real man!Of course, good and bad, there is time, I play football on the lawn when a person accidentally kicked, I hastily said: "Im sorry, Im not intentional, please do not angry!" However, he did not bother me, kicking and my foot, but also scolded me. I feel very angry, how could it have such people in the world is really a scum of the country!In the world already has good and bad, those polite people always talk about people very happy, moved. While those who do not speak politely stationery always feel disgusting, shameless, these people should be educated!




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