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2023-05-23 02:49:04




Teenagers are the future of the motherland, the nation's hopes, the party and the state has always attaches great importance to the education of teenagers, guidance and protection, and create good conditions for the healthy growth of teenagers and the environment; Teenagers are in a long body, long knowledge important period, everything is not very mature, lack ego to protect consciousness and ability; Due to the complexity of the social environment, there is not conducive to the healthy growth of teenagers, teenagers legitimate rights and interests and health of body and mind are violated the phenomenon occurs frequently. Therefore, to strengthen the legal consciousness of youth, is a urgent matter.

This is a true story: a 15-year-old shixing county youth young, learning is excellent, repeatedly praised. Family is not poor. But in just two months, motorcycle theft 8 units. After all the bills for all access to the Internet, from being discovered by the police, you'll know he will account for all "underground city and warrior" this a fantasy online games.

Although the youth teenagers under 18, can reduce some of the sentences. But the child has stepped onto a slippery slope, give the child's life on the great shadow.

Read the story above, whether you also benefit? Abide by the laws, to become a legal citizen, want to use action to prove: 1, strict with oneself, abide by the rule of law in school, develop good study and living habits. 2, set up the legal consciousness, the study use, learn to use the law to protect themselves, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of their own. 3, improve the ability of recognition is, learn to refuse bad temptation, many teenagers because of legal awareness is not strong, resist the temptation to ability is poor, ultimately misguided, is too late to regret. We want to quit, let the pictures of some frightening away from us.

In the 21st century - a competitive era, as the future of our motherland, we cannot ignore the law, because it's there, we made the social order more orderly; Because it's there, our life is more freedom; Because of its existence, we climb the steps to more solid.










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