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2020-11-12 20:55:02



Today, Inequality still remains pervasive on a global scale. Many of us believe that helping others should be at the top of rich people s agenda. Generally, I think that wealth dose come with more responsibilities but not compulsorily.

In this age of globalization, people and nations are more closely bonded than ever before and to help those in great needs is a reflection of moral obligation. People who are desperate in need of assistance are usually the most deprived in least developed places, and they can barely face up to the harsh reality only with the support from within. Therefore, the idea of reaching out for a way out is quite essential. For example, as a result of medical donations and some dedicated medical teams, several prevalent diseases have been controlled or eradicated in those poorest communities. With the support of educational resources from the rich, more schools have been set up in those less developed areas, so people there have more accesses to education, which actually helps to promote the development of those places in the long run.

However, it is reasonable to claim that people and nations should have the autonomy of governing their money and they should never be forced to distribute their wealth to others. But, in the meanwhile, one fact that needs to be noticed is that, for instance, the most impoverished nations are typically badly governed, where corruption, official incompetence, and failure to protect basic property rights are capable of trapping those in greatest needs in adversities. Thus, in a way, the rich should be part of the solution.

Overall, I believe that privileges come with responsibilities and the favors from wealthy people and rich nations should be valued.



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