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这些和爱情有关的英文表达 你都学会了吗

2020-11-22 15:00:01


start feeling love towards somebody 对某人产生感情

I think I’m falling in love with my best friend. What should I do? 我好像喜欢上了自己的好朋友,怎么办?


falling in love with somebody the first time you see them 初次见面,便喜欢某人

My wife and I met at a party. It was love at first sight. 我和妻子在一次聚会上相识。我们一见钟情。

3. BE AN ITEM 3.确立恋爱关系

two people are an item when they are having a romantic relationship 两人交往时确立恋爱关系

I didn’t know Chris and Sue was an item. They didn’t even look at each other at dinner. 我一点也没发现克里斯和苏在一起了。他们俩吃饭时从不看彼此。


a relationship in which the two people are great together, because they complement each other so well 一段恋爱中,两人十分融洽,因为他们有了彼此才完整。

Do you think Matt and Amanda will get married? 你认为马特和阿曼达会结婚吗?

-I hope they will. They’re a match made in heaven.-希望如此。他俩简直是绝配。


be in love with somebody very much 深深陷入爱情

Look at them. They’re head over heels in love with each other. 看他们,爱的死心塌地,神魂颠倒。

6. BE LOVEY-DOVEY 6.卿卿我我

expressing your love in public by constantly kissing and hugging 在公众场合亲吻拥抱,卿卿我我。

I don’t want to go out with Jenny and David. They’re so lovey-dovey, I just can’t stand it. 我不想跟詹妮和大卫一起出去。他俩总是卿卿我我,真让人受不了。


finding somebody extremely attractive 认为某人格外耀眼

Nadine has the hots for the new apprentice. I wouldn’t be surprised if she asked him out.纳丁总是为新学徒所吸引。要是她约他出去,我一点也会不惊讶。

8. PUPPY LOVE 8.初恋

short-term adolescent love 少男少女之间的短暂爱情

My son is only twelve, but he’s already in love. Isn’t it a bit too early? 我儿子虽然才十二岁,但已经开始恋爱了。会不会太早了?

-Don’t worry, it’s only puppy love. It won’t last.-别担心,初恋是短暂的。



two couples going out together on a date 两对恋人一起约会

I’m so glad you and Tom’s brother are an item. From now on we can go on double-dates. 你能和汤姆的兄弟在一起真是太好了。现在我们可以一起约会了。

10. ON THE ROCKS 10.濒于破裂

if there are problems in a relationship, we may say it’s on the rocks 如果关系中出现问题,可以用濒于破裂形容

I wonder if they will call off the wedding. Their relationship seems to be on the rocks. 我觉得他们很难修成正果。毕竟二人之间的关系趋于破裂。

11. LOVE RAT 11.负心汉

somebody who cheats on his/her partner 某人有外遇

Don’t even think about asking Jane out. How could you look your wife in the eye? Don’t be a love rat. 不要妄想约珍出来。想想要怎么面对自己的妻子?别做负心汉。


ask somebody to marry you 向某人求婚

So, did Ben pop the question last night? -No, he didn’t. He just took me out for dinner and that’s all.

那么,班向你求婚了么? -没有,只是约我出去吃饭。


Have a crush on someone 暗恋某人

To “have a crush on someone” means you feel romantically attracted to that person. Often people keep their “crushes” a secret because they are afraid that the feelings aren’t mutual (that the other person doesn’t have the same feelings).

Example: I have a crush on a girl in my English class. She’s beautiful, smart, and funny – but I’m too shy to talk to her!

Flirt with someone 与...调情

When you “flirt with someone,” you do things and say things that show you are interested in that person romantically. Another informal phrase is “hit on someone” – it doesn’t mean to hit the person violently; it means to flirt!

Example: Did you see the guy who was flirting with Jenny? He bought her a drink, talked to her all night, and asked for her phone number.

Ask someone out 约某人出去

When you “ask someone out,” you invite them to do something with you in a romantic context – for example, seeing a movie or having dinner in a restaurant.

Example: Peter finally asked me out! We’re going to the theater together on Friday night.

Fall in love 爱上...

When you “fall in love,” you start having romantic feelings about another person.

Example: I think I’m falling in love with Melissa. I can’t stop thinking about her!

Love at first sight 一见钟情

Some people believe in “love at first sight” – when you fall in love with a person in the first moment you see or meet him or her.

Example: I knew Mary would become my wife from the moment I first saw her at the party. It was love at first sight!

In a relationship 恋爱进行中

Date 约会,与...约会

“Date” is both a noun and a verb.

As a noun, it means a romantic activity that two people do together.

Example: My date with Peter last Friday was wonderful. I really enjoyed his company at the theater.

As a verb, it means “in a relationship with”

Example: I heard that your brother is dating a model. Is it true?

Going out with 与...约会

“Going out with” is another informal way to say “in a relationship”

Example: Did you know that Mark is going out with Andrea?

Stand someone up放某人的鸽子

When you “stand someone up,” you agree to go on a date with the person, but then you don’t go (and you don’t call or give any explanation). It’s considered rude to do this.

Example: I was planning to have dinner with Barbara, but she stood me up. I waited for her at the restaurant for three hours, but she never came.

Hug 拥抱

When you “hug” someone, you put your arms around them:

Kiss 亲吻

You use your lips to “kiss” someone:

Propose 求婚

When you propose to someone, you ask the person to marry you. In English, most people propose with the words, “Will you marry me?”

Example: John proposed to Sarah on the beach at sunset.

Engaged 订婚

When a person is “engaged,” it means they have agreed to marry someone.

Example: Did you hear? John and Sarah are engaged! They’re planning a June wedding.

It’s common for women who are engaged to wear an engagement ring(订婚戒指):

Engagement rings often have a diamond.

Fiancé / Fiancée 未婚夫/未婚妻

A man who is engaged is called a fiancé, and a woman is called a fiancée.

Example: My fiancée has already sent out the wedding invitations.

Note: Fiancé and fiancée are always used with a possessive such as “my” “his” and “her.” So we don’t say “She’s a fiancée.” We say “She’s engaged.”

Get married结婚

When two people make the commitment to stay together as husband and wife.

Example: We got married in 1972, so we’ve been together for more than 30 years!

Note: On the day of the wedding ceremony, the woman is called the bride(新娘) and the man is called the groom(新郎)

Honeymoon 蜜月

When a recently-married husband and wife travel or take some vacation time to be together.

Example: They went to Costa Rica for their honeymoon.

Anniversary 周年纪念日

The date on which the husband and wife got married. Many couples celebrate this date every year by going out to dinner or exchanging gifts or flowers.

Example: My parents’ wedding anniversary is May 22nd.

Note: Anniversary is different from “birthday.” Birthday is the celebration of the day you were born; anniversary is the celebration of the day you were married.

Ending a relationship 结束一段关系

Break up / Split up 分手

These words mean “end a relationship” – it can be a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship or a husband/wife relationship.

Example 1: Jerry and Amanda split up because he wanted to have children and she didn’t.

Example 2: I think I’m going to break up with my boyfriend. We just don’t have much in common.

Separated 分居

To be “separated” means that a husband and wife are not living together, but are not officially divorced.

Example: I heard that Sandra and her husband are separated at the moment. I hope they can work out their problems.

Divorce 离婚

To “divorce” means that a man and woman formally and legally end their marriage.

Example: “I divorced my husband after he became an alcoholic.”

Ex- 前......

Add ex- to describe people you had relationships with in the past: ex-husband, ex-wife, ex-girlfriend, ex-boyfriend.

Example: I’m not friends with my ex-boyfriend because our relationship ended pretty badly.

Note: Some people say only “ex” without saying husband, wife, etc. For example, “My ex won’t stop calling me! I wish she would stop!”



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