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2020-11-25 13:00:01


1.一个开头句型:作文开头段往往需要一个适当的引入,此时如果能够积累一些开头段句型我们会更加容易找到切入点。下面就是一个例子:Mention polygamy in Canada and what might come to mind is Bountiful, a suitably named town in British Columbia.这里come to mind是一个固定搭配,它的含义是“突然想到”,它也可以写成spring to mind,从这里可以提取出一个句式:Mention…and what comes to mind is… 提及……时我们第一个想到的是……当我们要介绍某个地方、人物或者作品时,就可以用上该句型,Mention A and what comes to mind is B,其中A一般是与事物有关的品质或者特点,B是事物本身。举个例子:(1) Mention poverty reduction and what comes to mind is China, where more than 500 million people have been lifted out of poverty in the past three decades.(2) Mention innovative thinking and what comes to mind is Steve Jobs, a man who was ahead of his time and who reshaped the IT industry.此外,我们也可以使用下面的句式:When people think of…, several things come to mind…举个例子:When people think of Donald Trump, several things come to mind: a business tycoon, the current President of the United States, and a man who waged a trade war with China.

2.一个转折句型:写作中比较常见的一个转折句型是:Although/Though…这里再提供一个新的说法:For all the talk of a global market for talent, chief executives in Britain still earn considerably less than their counterparts in the United States.这句话的大意是“尽管有很多关于(英国是)全球人才市场的讨论,英国的首席执行官还是赚得比他们的美国同行少很多”。句子中for all是一个固定搭配,含义是“尽管”,相当于in spite of,从这里我们可以提取出一个句式:For all the talk of…still… 尽管关于……有很多讨论,……仍然……,其中for all the talk of后面一般接名词或者名词性成分。写作中可以用上该句型来表达转折,例如:For all the talk of equal rights for women, gender discrimination is still rife in the workplace.

3.与……背道而驰:如何表达“……与……背道而驰”?可以看看《经济学人》的一个例子:Mr Trump certainly has the power to wreak trade havoc. A big blanket tariff would slice through supply chains, hurt American consumers and fly in the face of the global system of trade rules overseen by the World Trade Organisation (WTO).选段中出现了一个短语:fly in the face of something,这是一个议论文中较为常见的表达,意思是“与(人们认为合理或正常的事情)背道而驰”,这种事情可以是指法律法规,也可以指传统、常识、逻辑等。举几个例子:(1) Staying up late flies in the face of healthy living.(2) North Korea’s nuclear tests fly in the face of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty.(3) Some people argue that the demolition of old buildings flies in the face of cultural heritage preservation. 写作时可以根据实际话题不同灵活应用。

4.带来严重后果:要表达“……给人带来严重后果”,常见的一个说法是:Something can have dire consequences for somebody,但也可以参考:Commentators recently said that Clean Reader, the app that bowdlerises ebooks, puts us on a slippery slope towards total literary censorship?



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