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「经济学人文章精读」看了德国高铁 不得不感慨:还是中国高铁强

2020-11-29 02:10:01


作为国家走出去的名片,很多人可能还认识不到中国高铁的优越之处。德国制造业是举世闻名,今天咱们就来看看《经济学人》怎么分析德国铁路的,文章名称《The travails of Germany’s rail passengers》——《德国铁路乘客的痛苦》。篇幅所限,删去了部分不重要语句。


Last year one-quarter of Deutsche Bahn’s long-distance services were late. Commuters are resigned to delays, missed connections and overcrowded carriages.去年德国联邦铁路公司的长途线路晚点率为四分之一。通勤两地的乘客只能接受晚点、错过转车和拥挤的车厢。


He commutes from Tianjin to Beijing by high-speed train everyday.


You have to resign yourself to the boss unless you resign.你只能接受老板除非你辞职。

missed connection:这里的connection指的是转车、转机等,missed connection指的是错过转车时间点。

在看一看这串词:delays, missed connections and overcrowded carriages,活脱脱描述《人在囧途》的剧情。所以,咱们生在|伟|大|的|社|会|主|义|新|中|国|,是幸运的。

Having been hauled over the coals by ministers, Deutsche Bahn (DB), Europe’s largest train operator, has presented a five-point plan to improve its performance, including more money and a hiring spree. But progress will be slow, at best. Germany’s low-investment culture has left its infrastructure dilapidated and outdated. The rail network has not kept pace with the long-term population shift to cities or the increase in freight traffic from ports. … But the estimated 4bn ($4.5bn) that the sale of Arriva, a British transport firm, would raise is a fraction of the investment needed. Passenger numbers have doubled since 1994, when DB was formed. The government wants them to do so again by 2030.作为欧洲最大的铁路运营商,德国联邦铁路公司被当局骂的狗血淋头,其已制定了五步走计划,包括投入更多资金和大力招聘员工。但是在最好的情况下,进展还是缓慢。德国低投资氛围已导致基础设施破旧不堪。铁路网络没能跟上长期以来人口城市化和港口货运量的增长。出售英国交通公司Arriva预计将获得40亿英镑,售价还会上涨,但也只是德国联邦铁路公司所需要的投资资金的一小部分。1994年德国联邦铁路公司成立,自那以来乘客数量已翻番。政府希望乘客数量至2030年再翻一番。

five-point plan:可以翻译为五步走计划、五点提升计划。

spree:在一段时间内过分的做同一件事。比如疯狂购物 → shopping spree;玩命跑步running spree。文中hiring spree就是指大力招聘一批人马。

haul over the coals:这是一个固定搭配,意思是严厉斥责某人;也可以这样表达:rake/ haul/drag sb over the coals。

dilapidated:破旧的;年久失修的;= run-down。dilapidated building/house →危房。


keep pace with:保持与…一致。新闻联播常说对外国先进技术“引进、消化、吸收、创新”,技术水平实现了从“跟跑”、“并跑”到“领跑”的转变。keep pace with字面上理解就是并跑的意思。

shift:(使)改变、转换、转向,各种“转…”。shift gear → 换挡。

shift做名词用的时候,还可以表示轮班,比如night shift → 夜班。轮班的时候,就是换班,改变了一队人马,所以轮班这个意思也是从“转换”这个意思引申而来。


These days, ruthless competition comes from high-quality smartphones made by Chinese firms such as Huawei or Xiaomi which sell for a fraction of the price of Apple’s products, and which run some version of Android, an operating system developed by Google.如今,残酷的竞争来自中国高质量智能手机商华为和小米,这些手机售价运行谷歌开发的各种版本安卓系统,售价只是苹果产品的一小部分。

… Lower taxes and fees on other forms of transport have tilted the field against rail. Just 7% of Germans make a long-distance trip once a month; one-third never use public transport at all.其他交通方式的低税率低费用,面对铁路运输已占据优势。德国人每月进行一次长途旅行的只占7%,三分之一的德国人从未使用过公共交通。

tilt:(使)倾斜,偏向。后边接towards sth.或者in favour of sth.。

Some urge a sense of proportion. In 2017 a survey by BCG, a consultancy, placed Germany’s rail service in the first of three European tiers. Train travel remains affordable, regional services are efficient, and this year passengers should be mollified by new rolling stock and renovated stations. Still, even DB’s management admits punctuality will barely improve in the years ahead.2017年,波士顿咨询公司的一份调查将德国的铁路服务评为三种欧洲等级中的第一流。德国铁路价格依然实惠,区域服务效率高,看到今年新整车和焕然一新的车站,乘客们应该会感到些许安慰。不过,就连德国联邦铁路公司的管理层也承认未来的几年铁路几乎不可能做到准时准点。

tier:文中表示等级、层级。一线城市 → first-tier cities。


2018年12月15日经济学人周刊文章《Arrested development》分析华为业务发展,有一句话:

For Huawei, British scrutiny has come to serve as a badge of trustworthiness that helps it mollify concerns elsewhere.英国的详细审查结果作为诚信证明,帮助华为打消其他地区的担心。

rolling stock:整车。

in the years ahead:未来的几年,= the following years。






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