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「面试技巧」英文面试难题 怎么回答你的优点缺点和离职原因?

2020-12-01 10:50:01



1. Why do you want to work here? 为什么你想来这里工作?

2. Why are you leaving your current job? 为什么你要换工作?

3. What are your greatest strengths? 你最大的优点/强项是什么?

4. What are your greatest weaknesses? 你最大的缺点/弱项是什么?

5. What questions do you have for me? 你有什么问题要问我吗?


1. Why do you want to work here? 为什么你想来这里工作?

这个问题的另一种问法是:"What made you want to apply for a job with this company?"


需提前做的功课:找到公司网站、社交媒体账号(如果有的话),了解公司的文化、企业使命及发展。此外,仔细研读目标职位的job description,和自己的能力及经历进行比对,找到匹配的点。



The company’s mission to … speaks to me.I’d love the opportunity to work with a company that’s making a difference.Finding a company with a positive work environment and values that align with my own has remained a priority throughout my job search, and this company ranks at the top of the list.Your app is ranked as one of the top travel apps, and you’ve won some of the most prestigious awards in the industry year after year.个人层面:

I love working with people, and I am particularly excited that this role will allow me to use my bilingual skills to speak to customers all over the world. My ultimate objective is to rise to a leadership position in customer service, and I know having the opportunity to grow my experience and improve upon my skills will help bring me closer to achieving that goal.When I began looking for a new position, I purposefully sought out companies that are committed to integrity, philanthropy and innovation, and your company ranks at the top of the list.2. Why are you leaving your current job? 为什么你要换工作?

其他可能问法:"Why are you looking for a new job?"



“I’m looking for an opportunity where I can put those abilities to work for a mission I’m passionate about.”


“I was also excited to read in the job description that this role will require regular presentations to key stakeholders. One of my key motivators is the ability to connect with colleagues and communicate my team’s work, so this is an especially exciting part of this opportunity.”


“Ultimately, I’ve learned a lot in my current role, but I’m looking for the next step where I can continue to grow and use the skills I’ve honed to contribute to a company I love, and this opportunity seems to be the perfect fit.”


“I’m looking for an opportunity that gives me the ability to build closer, long-term relationships with clients. In my current role, the sales cycle is so short that I don’t spend as much time building a rapport with my customers as I’d like. Relationship-building is one of the reasons I chose a career in sales, and I look forward to working with a company where that’s a top priority.”






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