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2019英语流利阅读笔记:马克伯格希望脸书效仿微信 它做得到吗?

2020-12-14 19:30:02

Mark Zuckerberg wants Facebook to



Mark Zuckerberg wants Facebook to emulate China’s WeChat, but can it?


As Mark Zuckerberg begins shifting Facebook to private messaging and away from public sharing and open conversations, the vision he has sketched out for the future of social networking already exists—just not in the United States.


Instead, it is a reality in China through a messaging app called WeChat.


To make Facebook a private messaging product, Zuckerberg may have a lot to learn from Allen Zhang, the creator of WeChat. Zhang is famous for his perfectionist pursuit of a welldesigned service.


Zhang fought many internal battles when Tencent’s revenue department pushed to put more ads on WeChat. In a four-hour speech earlier this year, he pondered the question of why there were not more ads on the messaging service, especially the opening-page ads that are the norm in many other Chinese mobile apps.

当腾讯的营收部敦促在微信上投放更多广告时,张小龙曾经在公司内部打了很多场仗。在今年年初一场四个小时的演讲中, 他让大家思考了一个问题:为什么这个通讯服务平台上没有那么多广告,特别是在中国其他许多手机应用中很常见的启动页广告。

Many Chinese spend a lot of time—about one-third of their online time—on WeChat, he said. “If WeChat were a person, it would have to be your best friend so that you would be willing to spend so much time with it,” he said. “How could I post an ad on the face of your best friend? Every time you see it, you’ll have to watch an ad before you can talk to it.”

他说,很多中国人花大量时间在微信上, 大约占他们上网时间的三分之一。“如果把微信比作一个人,那么它一定是你最好的朋友,这样你才愿意花那么多时间和它在一起。”他说道,“我怎么能把广告贴在你最好的朋友脸上呢?每次你看到它,你得先看到广告,然后才能和它说话。”

Zhang, who has made restraint his product philosophy, has been lucky because Tencent makes most of its money from online games so that it does not need to sell ads for revenue. Zuckerberg does not have that luxury, given that he is trying to switch from an adbased business into a different model. It will be far from an easy task to pull off.



emulate/emjulet/:v. 效仿,模仿

例句:Her creativity is all but impossible to emulate. 她的创造力几乎不可能效仿。

messaging :n. 通讯

vision :n. 想象,愿景

sketch out:勾勒;概述;草拟

相关词汇:sketch(n./v. 素描,速写)

英文释义:to give a brief description of something

perfectionist/prfeknst/:adj. 追求完美的


相关词汇:perfectionism(n. 完美主义)

pursuit/prsut/:n. 追求;寻找

相关词汇:pursue(v. 追求,实现)

英文释义:the act of looking for or trying to find something

文化拓展:The Pursuit of Happyness

fight battles:战斗

internal :adj. 内部的



revenue department :营收部门

revenue :n. 收入

push/p/:v. 促使,敦促;推动

英文释义:to forcefully persuade or direct someone to do something

搭配短语:to push for the better management of water resources

ponder :v. 考虑,沉思

norm/nrm/:n. 常态;规范;行为准则

英文释义:a situation or type of behaviour that is expected and considered to be typical

搭配短语:social norms; ethical norms道德规范

restraint/rstrent/:n. 克制

词性拓展:restrain (v.)

搭配短语:moral and ethical restraints 道德和伦理约束

搭配短语:social restraints on self-determined marriage 对自决婚姻的社会束缚

近义词:self-restraint; self-control

近义词:constraint(n. 限制)

constraint 搭配短语:budget constraint 预算约束

词义辨析:constraint, restraint

两个词都有“限制”之意,但 constraint 一般指某种外在的、客观上的限制条件。例如,要求你在时间和资源受限的条件下完成工作:You’re required to finish your work under constraints of time and resources。而 restraint 则更偏向内在的和主观上的各种限制,例如,道德和伦理的双重限制:moral and ethical restraints。

philosophy/flɑsfi/:n. 理念,原则;哲学

搭配短语:one’s philosophy of life

luxury/lkri/:n. 不常有的优势(或便利、享受);豪华,奢侈

英文释义:an indulgence in something that provides pleasure or ease

例句:We had the luxury of choosing instead of begging.

pull off:做成,完成(困难的事情);脱衣服、鞋子

搭配短语:pull off your shoes

例句:It takes courage to pull off a career change.



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