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2021-05-14 15:35:01



1.m ___ p 地图 2.sh ___ p 商店 3. f ___ ___ tball橄榄球

4. c ___ndy 糖果 5. d ___ ff__ cult 困难的 6.sn__ke 蛇

7.S___nday星期天 8. em ___ ___l电子邮件 9. rul ___ ___直尺

10.t___ ___茶 11. d ___ck 鸭子 12.c___w奶牛

13.h__bby 业余爱好 14. c ___ p 杯子 15.sp___ ___ ch 讲演


( )1.A.candy B. fork C. chopsticks

( )2.A.dollar B. cent C. cola

( )3.A.dry B. duck C. rabbit

( )4.A. chemistry B. physics C. practice

( )5.A.kitchen B. toilet C. last

( )6.A.sad B. miss C. angry

( )7.A. told B. ran C. play

( )8.A. blind B. fire C. deaf

( )9.A.fifty B. fourteen C. sixty

( )10.A.June B. July C. north


1.bus(复数)_____ 2.sandwich(复数)______ 3. knife(复数)____

4.get(过去式)______ 5. play(过去式)______ 6. have not(缩写)_____

7.bring(过去式)_____ 8. fly(过去式)______ 9. run(_ing)_____

10.say(过去式)_____ 11. come(_ing)______ 12.collect(_ing)_____

13.dance(_ing)_____ 14. ride(_ing)______ 15. has not(缩写)_____


( )1、Tell me more _____ the Great Wall。

A、in B、than C、about

( )2、Where is Shanghai?

It’s in the ____ of China.

A.west B、east C、south

( )3、There ______ lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there.

A. am B. are C .is

( )4、______ stamps is my hobby.

A. Collecting B. Collect C. Collected

( )5、A:Have you got any stamps from China?


A. Yes, I has . B. No ,I have. C. Yes, I have.

( )6、Is there a letter for me?


A.Yes ,I am . B. Yes ,there is. C. No, there aren’t.

( )7、I can _____ English and French.

A. speak B. speaking C .spoke

( )8、Thank you again.


A.It doesn’t matter . B. That’s ok. C. You’re welcome.

( )9、We _____ in a small house many years ago.

A .live B .lived C .living

( )10、______ cheese did you buy ?

A. How many B. How much C. How long

( )11、I t will _____ in Harbin.

A.sun B. sunny C. be sunny

( )12、In this photo , the ducks______ our sandwiches.

A. is eating B. eating C. are eating

( )13、Best wishes to you.


A.Thank you . B. I’m sorry. C. That’s ok.

( )14.I’ve got a kite, _____ I can’t fly it.

A. and B. or C .but

( )15、____did the boy eat fast?

Because he was eating fast food.

A.What B. How C. Why

( )16、We are going to _____ a bike.

A.ride B .riding C .rode

( )17、Thank you for_____ to us .

A.talking B .talk C. talked

( )18、Don’t _____,please.

A shout B .shouting C .shouted

( )19、 Do you want to home?

A.go to B. go C. going

( )20、They want to the zoo.

A. visit B. visiting C. visited




( )1.Do you like music? A. It’s thirteen dollars and five cents.

( )2.How much is it? B. Yes, I do.

( )3.Can you speak English? C. No, I haven’t.

( )4.Have you got any stamps? D.I want a hot dog.

( )5.Can I help you? E. No, I can’t.



( )6.pandas A. They love the sun.

( )7.elephants B. They love bamboo.

( )8.bears C. They sleep in winter.

( )9.snakes D. They like water.

( )10.cats E. They like fish.



Simon is a good boy . Today is Sunday and it is fine, so Simon’s father takes him to visit the Great Wall. The Great Wall is far away from his home. So they are going there by bus . The Great Wall is about six thousand seven hundred kilometers . It’s very long and great. Simon is very happy and his father is happy , too .

( ) 1. Simon is a good girl.

( ) 2. Simon’s father takes him to visit the zoo.

( ) 3. The Great Wall is far away from his home.

( ) 4 .Today is Saturday.

( ) 5. Simon is very happy, but his father is not happy.


Hello ,everyone. Do you know Spring Festival? I like it very much. On Spring Festival, I often wear new clothes and have a big dinner with my family. In the evening, we watch TV and making dumplings. Most Chinese people like eating dumplings. I like eating them, too. At night we go outside to look at the lanterns and play with fireworks(烟火).It is very wonderful.

( ) 6. On Spring Festival , we make moon cakes.

( ) 7 .I like Spring Festival very much.

( ) 8. Most Chinese people like eating dumplings.

( ) 9. We wash the coat on Spring Festival.

( )10. I often wear new clothes and have a big dinner with my family on Spring Festival.



1、a 2、o 3、oo 4、a 5、i , i

6、a 7、u 8、ai 9、er 10、ea

11、u 12、o 13、o 14 、u 15、ee


1―5 ACACC 6――10 BCBBC


1、buses 2、sandwiches 3、knives 4、got 5、played

6、haven’t 7、brought 8、flew 9、running 10、said

11、coming 12、collecting 13、dancing 14、riding 15、hasn’t


1――5 CBBAC 6――10 BACBB

11――15 CCACC 16――20 AAABA


1――5 BAECD 6――10 BDACE


1――5 FFTFF 6――10 FTTFT



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