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英语教学设计Time Period one

2021-05-17 12:00:01

英语教学设计Time Period one

教学内容:3B Unit4 Time Period one (partB&D)


1. 知识目标:


b.能正确地听、说、读,写单词one, two, three.c.能听懂、会交际用语“What’s the time ? It’s …(o’clock).”并能灵活自如的运用于实际生活中去。



教学重难点:能听懂、会交际用语“What’s the time ? It’s…(o’clock).”并能灵活自如的运用于实际生活中去。

教学准备:1. 多媒体课件一个2. 练习纸一张


Step 1. Warm up

1.Enjoy a song: Ten Little Indian Boys

2.Free talk

(1)T: What’s this in English?S: It’s a watch.

(2)T: What’s that in English?S: It’s a clock.

(3)T: Is that a storybook? S: No, itisn’t. It’s a copybook.

(4)T: Is this a pencil?S: Yes, it is.(设计意图:与学生进行沟通,既复习了前面单元的内容,又可以创造一种宽松和谐地氛围,达到情感交流的目的,为下面地教学做好准备。)

Step 2: Presentation

1. T: Time is very important in our daily life. Today we aregoing to learn Unit 4.(T带领学生读课题,注意time 的发音)(设计意图:引出本单元的课题,为上课做好充分的准备。) 2.T: At the beginning of our class, I will show you the task of thislesson.出示幻灯片上表格,布置本节课的任务。

3.T: The first place is the Ebizui Park. Boys and girls, please payattention to the time. There are many beautiful things in the park.Let’s count them together.(设计意图:在具体的情景钟进行教学能提高教学效果,同时,一开始就提醒学生注意时间,为最后完成表格埋下伏笔。)

4.T: Look, there’s one butterfly in the park. Please guess themeaning of “one”.S: 一 T: Now, listen to me threetime carefully then try to read it out.(设计意图:把听和说的"能力紧密联系在一起,有利于更好地开展教学。)A small game: I say and you say

5. T: Do you know this word “to”? S: Yes. T: What about this one?(出示two)It is pronounced the same as “to”(设计意图:从已经学过的单词引出新单词,可以让学生更好地理解和掌握单词。)

6.T: What’s the next number of two?It is three.

7.Fill in the blanks: o ne twothree

8.The same way to teach: four, five, six

9.Exercise: Say the next numberone____two____ three____ Say the number before three___four____ six____

10. T: The second place Nancy goes to is thesupermarket. There are so many things. Let’s help Nancy to countthem, OK?同样的方法教seven, eight, nine, ten

11. A game: Magic eye(设计意图:数字的教学完成后,设计一个小游戏,不仅可以巩固一下所学知识,还可以激发学生的兴趣,一举两得。

12. Exercise: Listen and write down numbers.15961681987458322719345

13.(播放钟的嘀嗒声) T: It is the sound oftick-tock.It can tell us time.It never stops.What is it? Can you guess? S: It’s a clock. T: You are so clever. If we put “o’” in frontof it ,it becomes “o’clock”.(设计意图:通过猜谜的游戏引出新单词,新颖有趣。)

14. T: (出示幻灯片3点钟)What’s the time?S: Three o’clock.同样的方法出示8点和5点

15. T: 我们怎么问时间呢?________________回答用____________________________

16. A chant(设计意图:巩固所学新句型,活跃课堂气氛。)

17. T: The third place is the magic castle. Let’s seetogether.通过魔法城堡的四个关卡,出示四个时间,巩固句型,最后教授It’s time to go home.

18. Finish the task.

19. (出示班内一个学生的照片)T: Who’s she?S: She’s LiRun.T: This is LiRun’s day. Please use the information to make upfive dialogues.E.g.: What’s the time?It’s … (o’clock).It’s time to ….

Step 3: ConsolidationFinish the form and make up dialogues.TimeIt’s time to…get upgo to schoolgo homego to bed

Step 4: Homework

1. Copy the words “one, two, three” four times.

2.Talk about “Time” with your friends.

板书设计:Unit 4 TimeWhat’s the time?It’s … (o’clock).It’s time to ….onetwo three



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