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Module 5《Unit 1 Amys taller than Lingling》教学设计

2021-05-22 15:10:01

Module 5《Unit 1 Amys taller than Lingling》教学设计

Teaching aims:

1.Teaching words: than, old, young, strong

2.Use the comparison structure to compare two people or two things.

E.g. Daming is taller than Lingling.

Teaching focus and difficulties:

Aims a and 2

Teaching aids:

Tape recorder and the flashcards.

Teaching steps:


1.Review the words of adjectives. E.g. big, small, short, tall, long, wide, cute, clever, beautiful, famous, old and so on.

2. Have children make sentences with the words.


1.Teacher show some cards of the words, teach the words

2.Play some game to practice the words. Teacher do the actions and have children guess the words.

3.Ask some children to make some sentences with the words.

4.Teacher takes out two similar things and compare of them about the color and the size. Learn big and bigger, long and longer, tall and taller, thin and thinner, fat and fatter and so on.

5.Introduce the grammar knowledge of the comparison

6. Teacher make some sentences and have children to imitate. E.g. …is big, … is bigger. … is tall, … is taller.

Ⅲ.Learn the text.

1.Introduce the simple idea of the text, show a question and then ask children to listen, point and answer the question: Who is taller, Amy or Lingling?

2.Listen and circle the words with “er”.

3.Listen and repeat.

4.Answer more questions. Who is older? Who is shorter? Who is younger? Who is strong?

5.Pair work.

IV Homework:

1.Listen to the tape five times at home.

2.Do the exercises on AB.

V Blackboard Design.

Module 5 Unit 1 Amy’s taller than Lingling.

Ms Zhang is taller than …

… is shorter than Ms Zhang.

bigger smaller older younger



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