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2021-07-06 12:35:01


Lesson 13 Are you hungry?

教材简析:本课教学内容为表示自己状态的hungry, thirsty,hot, cold,tired及ill这五个单词和I am hungry。 Are you hungry? Yes/No。 内容很简单,也很贴近生活的实际。

教学重点:hungry, thirsty,hot, cold,tired ill

I am hungry。 Are you hungry? Yes/No。



1 让学生掌握本课的单词和句子

2学用所学的内容描述自己的情况,如:I am hungry。



教学工具:CAI tape pictures 实物投影仪



1。 Greetings。

2。 Sing and dance。 Are you ready?

3。 Review: Are you Tom? Are you a girl/boy?


T: Good morning。

S1: Good morning。

T: I am Miss Zhu。 I am a girl。 Are you Tom?

S1: No, I am …

T: Are you a girl?

S1: No, I am a boy。

T: Goodbye!

S1: Goodbye, Miss Zhu。

二、Introduce the new language items。

(一)Teach the words。

1。 Miss Zhu does the action and say: I am hungry。 I want to eat an egg。

Teach: hungry

Ss read it, then check it one by one。

2。 Teach “thirsty , hot, cold, tired, ill ” in the same way。

3。Show the pictures, Ss read them together then in groups。(Put the pictures on the Bb )

4。 Game: Listen and touch the picture。


(二)Teach the sentence: I am hungry。

1。T: I am tired now。(do the action) How about you?

Help Ss: I am tired, too。

Teach this sentence: I am…

2。 Chant it。

Hungry, hungry, I am hungry。

Thirsty, thirsty, I am thirsty。

Cold, cold, I am cold。

Hot, hot, I am hot。

Tired, tired, I am tired。

Ill, ill, I am ill。

Chant it slowly the first time。 Then chant it quickly。


3。Ss express themselves。

I am hungry/thirsty/hot…

(三) Teach the dialogue。

1。 T: I am thirsty。 Are you thirsty?

S6: No。

Teach: Are you thirsty?

Read it in groups then check one by one。

2。Pair work then act out。

3。 CAI (A Mickey Mouse)

Ss ask, the Mickey Mouse answers, at last the Mickey Mouse sings a song。

4。 Ss sing the song。

Are you hungry? Are you hungry?

Yes, yes, yes。 Yes, yes, yes。

Are you thirsty? Are you thirsty?

No, no, no。 No, no, no。



(一)Oral task。

CAI: there are three pictures on the screen。

Let Ss choose a picture and make up a dialogue about it then act out in groups。

(二)Written task。

1。 Do a survey。

Do a survey。(调查表)

Name: Are you…?



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