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2023-01-15 03:59:01



Now the single day comes, it is on December 11th, people admit this day as a day for the person who has no girlfriend or boyfriend, but this day has lately became a shopping day, because on that day, shopping online will give people a great discount, since then, more and more people are willing to shopping online on the single day, I am one of them, I just can’t stopping buying things.


I like to go to shopping, when I see the beautiful dress, I will take no hesitation to buy them, I just can’t control my mind. Since shopping online develops fast, I find an easy way to buy things, there are all kinds of styles, I feel I lack them all, so I want to buy them. When the single day comes, I couldn’t resist the temptation from the great discount, I want to buy the clothes which will be in great discount. In the long term, I have no place to put on my clothes.

我喜欢逛街,当我看见美丽的裙子的时候,我会毫不犹豫就买,我就是不能控制自己的思想。自从网上购物的快速发展,我找到了一条容易购物的渠道,网上有各种各样的风格,我感到自己都缺乏这些风格,因此我都想要买。当光棍节到来的时候,我无法抵制这些低折扣的诱 惑,我想要买这些低折扣的衣服。这样下来,我就没有地方来放我的衣服了。

My uncontrolled purchase desire annoys me all the time, I realize that I must get rid of it, so I tell myself to stop buying, I must learn to control my desire.




蚂蚁怎么写作文 这个星期发生的事作文 小学生怎么样才能写好作文 一种花作文 美丽的紫荆花作文 写平凡的作文 自己的梦想作文500字 面对挑战英语作文 运动会开幕式作文400字 关于无私的作文 六年级上册作文全部 豆腐脑作文 难忘的旅行作文400字 澳门作文400字 四年级语文五单元作文 身边的风景也美丽作文 什么给我勇气作文 运动会作文拔河 所见作文400字 触动心灵的声音 作文 湖南高考作文题 中考优秀满分作文600字 笔神作文 抓螃蟹的作文 最后一次六一作文500字 20年后家乡作文 难忘的一件事五年级作文 关于写人的作文600 去朋友家玩的作文 英语作文常用句式