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2023-05-09 02:47:04




One day, in this summer vacation I go fishing with dad to ping town.

That morning, I early up, with the feelings of happy and excited, and dad take off fishing paraphernalia. Along the way, I was humming a little song.

After we to fish there, I saw the water on the bottom, can radiate the reflection of tourists. The reflection of people with the water falling, very interesting. Water is so clear, and there must be some fish. Father first set fishing paraphernalia and eat... Then, put the bait on the hook, and then put the rod in the water, patiently waiting for the fish. I thought to myself: fish, fish come quickly, I still waiting to eat your delicious fish! After a while, a good 2 catties of big carp bait. Dad fierce a pull rod,, catch up! I laughed, a jump three feet high. I also learn to dad's appearance, wear bait on the hook, and then cast his fishing rod into the water, waiting. I just waited for 10 minutes, scratching their heads, impatient, so I pull the hook, a look, and no fish, very disappointed. Dad smiled and said to me: "fishing to be patient. If the bait fish, rod will sink, see this kind of situation again pull rod, or in vain." I listened to, take the fishing rod and dumped out, staring at the rod, after 20 minutes, I found indeed as expected changes in fishing rod - sank. I hurriedly pull, the rod is pulled very curved, like a hook. A fat big grass carp caught by me, I was very happy, as if just

To eat. I have been fishing and dad from 8:00 a.m. to go home until 7:00 p.m. Although the time is late, but the harvest not small - a total of 12 fish caught, and each hypertrophy. My father and I looked at his "masterpiece", smiled happily.

On this day, I will have a good time not only, but also learned knowledge. As soon as I think of this summer vacation, I will smile, feel very interesting.










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