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2023-05-14 07:04:01




Finally ushered in the National Day I have been waiting for. Seven days off, I was in such a long holiday planning how to relax. In the intense study life, I work hard, work hard, try again. Is in order to be able to take an examination of well test, happily through the seven days' leave.

But the truth is always unsatisfactory. The day before the holiday, overcast. Outside still blowing with the wind, using underground with heavy rain. On the whiteboard, the intensity of homework. Chinese, maths, English, politics, history, physics. These let my painful subject, when can I get rid of the entanglement of your ah.

In the National Day holiday, I even have a kind of impulse want to tear my homework. I was alone meditation: why on earth and I learn? Why do I get exhaustion of body and mind? Why I don't deal with the learning a little bit more to make yourself happy? Madame Curie for a lifetime, but only lived for more than 60 years old, her husband to give up in halfway. The ancients said to learning hard as a boat, why can't I play said sea infinite joy as the boat? People still want to live longer is better.

I opened the computer drives the idea, but in fear and drove me to the teacher's open workbook. After some kind of psychological struggle, I decided to play computer, over again. (www.whzh-cw.com) and literature

In the evening, as usual, the computer is my father. Carefree get boring, I went to the father, and see what he is playing. By accident I saw father's hair, I was surprised, in my memory, my father always has a black head of hair. Never thought of, my father work for me to have in his black hair a little bit of white hair.

Then it dawned on me, I study hard in order to repay is not my father and mother! They paid so much to me, if I study hard and not filial to my parents for anything in the future! For them, I have a good learning is the greatest comfort for them.

Thought of here, a firm faith that I go to the front of the desk, opened my homework





这个念头驱使着我打开了电脑,但对老师的惧怕又驱使着我打开作业本。经过了一番心理斗争后,我决定先玩电脑,玩完再说。( 纵横文学 www.whzh-cw.com )







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