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2023-05-14 07:04:08




October 1st National Day, is the founding of the People's Republic of China for XX birthday anniversary, the motherland a seething up and down, in XX years ago today, chairman MAO a forceful: "the founding of the People's Republic of China!" The Chinese people from the hot water.

XX years ago, people will eat just about anything, whether good or not good, as long as can eat almost all eat. Listen to grandma said they first every day is to eat steamed bread or rice gruel, the conditional people still eat it. The Spring Festival, conditional family can sell dumplings to eat. But now, people want to eat what eat what, some people will eat the high-grade supplements. On one occasion, I eating outside, he saw a man picked up a chicken, bite, may not be good, throw them on the ground. How could throw in that moment, he didn't want to think what is XX years ago people eat, want you in took only a mouthful of chicken, don't you think you're a waste? If you hungry for a few days, see you also eat not to eat.

XX years ago, people lived in a dozen square meters of house, and the house has only one or two table and bed. Listen to grandma said that they were a dozen people crowded in a bed, is not active. Now, people live in capacious and comfortable and beautiful house, and basically every family has a SanSiTai computer or TV. Only two or three to a bed and a table SanSiTai computer or TV and this is how much of a change!

XX anniversary of the founding of the Chinese prosperity step by step, the Chinese sons and daughters to live and work in peace and contentment. XX anniversary of the founding of our country with each passing day! XX anniversary of the founding of the Chinese children created numerous miracles, and let the people of the world Chinese people sit up and take notice to us! I believe that we Chinese just wake up after a lion, for his future, must be able to create one after another brilliant XX years!









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