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2023-05-17 03:25:07




What are dreams? In the eyes of the little match girl, dream is full of roast goose, grandma is a warm arms, in the eyes of deng yaping, dream is to adhere to the belief of never yielding in the heart, as long as you work hard, it will be successful. In the eyes of the father of hybrid rice, yuan longping, is a dream "of hybrid rice stalks as tall as sorghum, ears like a broom, rice like grapes" strings ", dream is constantly breakthrough and exploration, is rich in imagination and bold creation. In the eyes of "of guanyin" tai lihua, dream is deaf people can get, "hear" the blind man can "see", mutilation, friends can "walk", is a dream never give up, hardworking spirit pillar. Dream, with each one of us, the dream is beautiful, it is the expectations of the bottom of my heart the most beautiful, so a dream come true also became our belief for a long time. Dream is the sun, it makes people from impetuous to solid, from the hesitation to the firm, and on the road to success. Dream is powerful, it is the life of the source of power; Lofty dreams can inspire the potential of a life of all. God doesn't give us wings, but it gives us a heart can fly, a dream of the brain. So let us all have a pair of "invisible wings". Life because of the dream fly, humanity great because of dreams. Give yourself a dream since I was a child, a big goal in life, so that the dream with his life in the vast sky fly free. Dream is a pair of invisible wings of life, but the power of a dream to motivate and inspire our life, out of mediocrity and vulgar, overcome the weakness of human nature, to the best and brightest. Blessed is the man who has a dream, the dream of the life is full of hope. Wish every one of the children in their childhood can have their own dreams, no matter what the dream is, how much this dream.






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