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2023-05-17 03:27:01


导语:中国梦,是海面上冉冉升起的红日; 是荆棘中一枝高傲的红梅; 是雪落枝头的一抹抹翠绿; 是手心中缓缓流逝的沙,随着岁月的溜走,不复以往,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网


"Dream, for me, what on earth is it?" I have been plagued by such problems.

Watching the first class of school, my heart can't calm. In the face of the greatly small dream one by one and the one by one to the story of the dream, I shock and not on the mouth, than their strong, where can I be strong?

With disabilities, I will immediately appear negative attitude, fear, loneliness will devour my little soul. In the face of the failure of the dream, I can never to dream, never want to achieve your dream, and become a numbness of the people, and this kind of I, really can have a dream, and serve the country?

The answer is yes.

I can't accept not dream, but dare not accept the dream. It is a kind of crystal beautiful things ah, but it is so fragile, so vulnerable. I can't bear dream is disillusioned that despair, however, uncle li a stern look told me: "not the trace of resident birds in the air, but I am glad I have had my flight. Dream broken, but I have paid, tried, as long as have this, I am very satisfied." These words, gave me great encouragement is how. Treasure in my dream in my heart suddenly released: teacher's dream, writer, west dream... I began to itch to try, want to society, for our country, contribute my first little power.

The Chinese dream is to have thousands of "my dream" of one day, my dream will also join in, young strong, the country strong. Young wisdom, the wisdom. We is China's hope that is a better future in China, we should strive for dream, fighting for dream, do a stick to dream of children, although this dream would burst, but we still need to pay for it, for its efforts, because it is my dream.

"Don't abandon, don't give up, the last laugh is beautiful. Dream far away, zero distance, tomorrow continue to work hard together... My dream, China dream. I swear, I will stick to it!












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