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2023-05-17 03:43:03




Don Quixote ", this book is a milestone in the history of Spain one of twenty books. Reading this book, my biggest harvest is to learn to correctly handling the contradictions between ideal and reality.

Don Quixote is the hero of the book, he likes to read the knight class book, his mind to be a knight, and he was in rags iron piece together into a pair of armour, and sancho also willingly when Don Quixote menial, he took to the knight. He encountered in the way something to make the person feels a false alarm, everyone thought he was crazy, his friends all want to put him back several times, but they know they are worthless, Don Quixote always successful flight time and time again, you had a plan, make a bachelor disguised as the appearance of the white month knight, defeated him, and promised him a year at home is not allowed to Don Quixote. Later, Don Quixote was recovered from the dream, he regret had done those things funny, but he still buried because of the age is too big. After the death of Don Quixote, everybody in his grave has just made this statement: noble aristocracy, buried here, bravery, although life-in-death, work cover heaven and earth, in the world, feeling regret outwards and body through the difficult, madness, new and original after death.

Don Quixote, it is a funny and tragic experience, criticizes the demise of chivalry and the feudal society, to expose the ugly reality of Spanish society, his pursuit of democracy, Don Quixote actually wasn't mad but discrimination against the feudal society.








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