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2023-05-28 03:31:06




Hero Don Quixote is a typical character of immortality. The skinny little noble, because addicted to read, ride on a horse, and found a rusty handle spear, wearing holes in the helmet, he hired farmers sancho DE Pan Sha ride the donkey behind do attendants, want to go to rangers, 25-year-olds, keen for the people. Don Quixote, the next village, a milkmaids imagine for his female benefactors, poso trip of sinn. He completely lost in the real sense, sank in the illusion of rambling, treat all strange. So all the way through a lot of trouble, to eat a lot of losses, make a many jokes, yet always wrong-headed, first volume finally being badly wounded, his friends think of the many ways to get him to go home. In the second volume, he was restless, continue to take the risk, and suffered a lot, got a disease. It was not until his death repent his poor life.

Hero Don Quixote has obvious characteristics: when he was immersed in a knight in the literature, he is a highly moral principle of justice knight. His servant sancho Pan Sha is also a distinctive character: contrast Don Quixote crazy fantasy, he is more realistic. Comparison of Don Quixote rich knowledge, he is very poor knowledge. Contrast the Don Quixote thin high lean figure, he is short and fat round roll shape. Sancho DE Pan Sha and Don Quixote, other things can be said to be the opposite of two people, but on the quality, they are all bright, clean and pure white, has a variety of fine quality.

Hugo once said: "the creation of the Cervantes is so clever, is flawless; leading role and sancho, riding their livestock, one integrated mass, ridiculous and pathetic, so touching..." "Don Quixote" deserves to be a classic.





As human thought essence of classic books, has always been in learning and reference model, is also a kind of cultural inheritance of obligatory. Substance rather than as a kind of operation as well as an exchange, collision of ideas about the original author. This column provides people with a large number of classics of substance material, hope everyone here can find the same spark, more exchanges.

The dark decayed, disparity between the rich and the poor of the society at that time, the author created a for us "intrepidity, disregard died", aspire to sweep all uneven Don Quixote. Hero of the novel in the capitalist rise period, life is full of lofty spirit of idealism, total fantasy wipe out all social inequality, it is with the objective reality caused the conflict, the conflict has both comic and tragic. This time mistake but Don Quixote in real life to restore the knight spirit, thus makes him become an exaggerated, funny, comic roles. But the author in a variety of occasions, repeatedly highlighted his passion to root out the characteristics of human evil, thus showing the noble quality of his character, namely, the pursuit of justice, ideal and ignore the in danger, may sacrifice his own life for the society. So different from pure comedy character, he is also a character with a tragic factors, with a lofty spiritual realm "nuts"!

Don Quixote, it is a funny and tragic experience, criticizes the demise of chivalry and the feudal society, to expose the ugly reality of Spanish society, his pursuit of democracy, Don Quixote actually wasn't mad but discrimination against the feudal society.







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