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2023-05-19 03:49:01




Young trees should thank the land because the land has brought up to it; Fish should thank the sea, because the sea is the home; The bird should thank the blue sky, because the blue sky gave it free; The flowers to thank the grass, the grass green foil the beauty of the flower. So, more want to have a heart of gratitude, gratitude to their parents.

As if the mother is in March sun, father is the big umbrella to block rain for me. Indeed, a mother's love is great, but we can't ignore the details of a father. Because in study and life is my father gave me the confidence and strength.

Once I work out a math problem, ask dad. Dad looked at said after such a simple question you should calculate. I said: I sat for a long time did not come out! Dad said: want to for an hour can also want to, can't do it until you do. Alas, early know I don't ask him, however, no political reform, I have to think again. I think, for an hour before I pouting said: can't you help me to work it out? . Dad said: in the end you still not to come out? After I listened to, think dad is nothing wrong.

We can live in this beautiful, wonderful world, because our parents gave birth to us. They taught us each of the first in life: the church we go the first step, taught us that the first sentence, the church we recognize the first

In a word If there is no our parents, there would be no us. Although my parents is not outstanding, but they care for me, love is not can be used in a few words can tell clearly.

The father loves the mountain, a mother's love deep as the sea. Let us always remember our parents of child, be grateful, learn to be grateful, let parents more than a smile, a little sad; Let parents more live more happiness, more live more happy




有一次我解不出一道数学题,就去问爸爸。爸爸看了一眼后说: 这么简单的.题你应该会算。 我说: 我坐了好久都做不出来! 爸爸说: 想了一个小时作不出来还可以想,直到你会做了为止。 唉,早知道我不去问他了,不过,没变法,我只得再去想。我想了一个小时才想出来,我嘟着嘴说: 你帮我算一下不行吗?。 爸爸说: 到最后你还不是想出来了吗? 我听了之后,觉得爸爸的话也没什么不对。


一个字 如果没有我们的父母,就没有我们。虽然我的父母长相并不出众,但是,他们对我的关心、爱护并不是能用三言两语就能说清楚的。





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