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2023-05-19 06:11:06


导语:儿童乃是成人之父,我愿以一颗赤子之心,贯穿颗颗生命之珠。下面是小编为大家整理的,童年趣事英语作文呢 ,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


Happy childhood is like a precious pearl necklace, documenting the growth of my footsteps. A footprint is a colorful dream, with laughter and tears, is compiled.

When I was 7 years old, is also small, then one day, I play at home, on the door has no intention of saw calendar, began to study up, suddenly found that today is mother's day, to mom gift, I was thinking what gift is good for her mother, in an instant my mind flash across a thought: I've seen from a book before, bird's nest is a kind of supplements, a kind of high nutritional value. Bird's nest? Swallow's nest? I've seen, we have an abandoned village bird's nest to start, I picked up the bamboo rushed out.

See the bird's nest, my in the mind have raised a question: is this nest of mud and branches, can eat? I also willy-nilly, picked up a bamboo pole was stabbed, and just bird's nest is too high, bamboo is not long enough. I was thinking: is this a gift so fast to gone? No! So I got a stick, a rope fixed it in a bamboo pole, bamboo is long enough. I poked, I tong, bird's nest finally loose, I stabbed again, wow! Fell off.

I in one hand and a bird's nest, in one hand and a bamboo pole, three steps two step ran home, said to his mother: "mom, today is mother's day, I send you a bird's nest." Mom's very pleased at first, but after I take it out, but mother laughed, and said to me: "bird's nest is swiftlet nest, the" bird's nest "is not you."

At that time, there was the swallow in the sky, as if to laugh at me naive. Time in my memory, but the golden dream lingering in my mind, forever, forever...










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