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2023-05-20 03:58:12


导语: 能否活得没有烦恼,这是对理智和修养的检验。下面是小编为大家准备的,成长的烦恼英语作文。希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


Stare at the bright mirror on the table, but beat around the body fat, I feel the endless troubles and worries...

Since primary school is grade three, I, long fat. I is a good thing for hours of weak, but when I grow fat more later, I felt a sense of anxiety. When my nickname is "monkey" becomes a "pig", from "skinny" turned into "big fat", and the relationship is good. O also affectionately called "fat"... Anyway, my nickname is all about "fat". Now some people who know me, don't call my name. Over time, I almost forgot my name...

When I was riding my "ferrari" wandering in the street, there will be strange eyes staring at me. Yeah! So fat people, but sitting in such a small car, the car carry? Really afraid that a pouting, retired quit. Encounter this kind of situation, I only have stamped on the watermelon skin, run away...

Others not only so, even myself also began to discriminate against myself.

When they hear and runs to the game, I know, "first". And yourself as commanded, everyone is like a bottle of the arrow, in addition to me, a small turtle, benzene crawling slowly rising behind. Really want to make fat feet, only to find that it's really a fateful. When the second run classmates is going to catch up with me, I to the finish. The students have accustomed to my "first", casually go from me. No comfort, no ridicule, only my heart wry smile... In mind of a child is, how many times the first race, how many times a sled hopping, these, all became pieces of leaves, autumn is the leaves, yellow, falling...

Worry, worry! When can you leave me? How can I put on the black and white world seven rainbow of color, how to make my withered heart full of vitality? Perhaps, this is just a dream, a dream can only dream that is...




当我又骑着我的“法拉利 ”在街上漫游时,都会有异样的眼光盯着我。是啊!那么胖的人,却坐在这么小的车上,那车承受得了吗?真怕那着一撅嘴,退休不干了。遇到这种情况,我只有脚踩西瓜皮——溜之大吉……


当听到又要比赛跑步是,我知道,自己又要得“ 第一”了.随着一声令下,大家都像离弦的箭,除了我,一只苯小龟,在后面慢腾地爬着.好想踏出肥胖的双脚,却发现它真的有千钧之重.当第二次跑的同学都快要追上我时,我才到达终点.同学们早已习惯了我的“第一”,从我身边若无其事地走过去.没有安慰,也没有嘲笑,只有我那心的苦笑……忆及孩提是,多少次赛跑第一,多少次欢快蹦跳,这些,都成了一片片树叶,秋天是树叶,枯黄了,飘落了……





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