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2023-05-20 04:16:08




Today I came home late, let you wait for some time? Mother said, today the hospital has to a large number of nitrite poisoning patients. Nitrite? I asked curiously. B: yes. Those patients are migrant workers, in a small noodle shop at noon to eat a paper, but that there are excessive nitrite in a paper. Also don't know is the owner to put the wrong or want to make it look fresh pork. In fact, the noodle shop no business licenses, and cheap, how come shredded meat fresh? Mom said, "mom said, I want to a lot of a person sitting in front of his desk, the owner of ignorance, ignorance of the law, the workers who lack common sense, specifically picked cheaper, but I didn't think of the food safety problems that may occur the consequences of certain more than that, to reduce the occurrence of this phenomenon, only to strengthen food safety supervision, improve the ability of self protection. First of all, we must strengthen oversight and supervision are the main institutions of the centers for disease control and the ministry of commerce and industry. I think, when the shop owner to apply for business licenses to strict inspection, to eliminate all possible danger. After the owner application is successful, don't visit regularly, in order to prevent undetection, change, etc. Regularly for investigations, even for those who are unlicensed business shop main punishment, and out of business or registration immediately. Moreover, to increase awareness of self protection. First, less than shop stalls to buy something to eat. These small stalls, there is absolutely no business licenses. In general, the owner would hang business licenses in the store is the most eye-catching place, will never hide. Second, in a place to eat with business licenses, if it tastes bad, then don't eat, go to the hospital check body, don't wait to go after food poisoning. To complaints, the hotel in order to avoid more hurt. I think the food safety is very important, only the food safety, our life can be better!


今天我回家晚了,让你们等了不少时间吧? 妈妈说, 今天医院里来了一大批亚硝酸盐中毒的病人。 亚硝酸盐? 我好奇地问。 是啊。那些病人都是些农民工,中午在一家小面馆里吃肉丝面,可那肉丝面里有过量的亚硝酸盐。也不知是店主放错了还是想使肉丝看上去新鲜点。其实,那家面馆根本没有经营许可证,面又便宜,肉丝怎么会新鲜呢? 妈妈说、妈妈说完,我一个人坐在书桌前想了很多,那个店主的"无知,不懂法律,那些工人们缺乏常识,专拣便宜,却没想到可能的后果 发生的食品安全问题肯定不止这一起,要减少这种现象的发生,只有加强食品安全监管力度,提高自我防护能力。首先要加强监管,监管的主要机构是疾病控制中心和工商部门。我认为,在店主申请经营许可证时要严格检查,杜绝一切可能发生的危险。在店主申请成功后,要不定期视察,以免发生漏检、改变等。还要定期 明察暗访 ,对那些无证营业的店主要处罚,并停业或立刻办证。再者,要提高自我防护意识。第一,不到小店小摊买东西吃。这些小点小摊,绝对没有经营许可证。一般来说,店主都会把经营许可证挂在店内最醒目的地方,绝不会藏起来。第二,在有经营许可证的地方吃饭,如果觉得味道不对,那么就别吃了,先去医院检查身体,不要等食物中毒后再去。可以对饭店进行投诉,以免更多人受害。我觉得食品安全十分重要,只有食品安全了,我们的生活才能更美好!




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