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2023-05-20 04:18:03




With the development of economy, the progress of the society, people is becoming more and more attention to environment and health. But in recent years, a lot of food safety and hygiene problem very worrying.

I have seen such a report on TV, lived in a building site dozens of construction workers, the workers in the construction site of the cafeteria, meals supplied by two old workers. One day, the workers unexpected happened after meals, dozens of workers has appeared dizziness, vomiting, fainting. Sweat rolling down from your forehead like a bean bead, workers with pain will not work, also good timely rescue, caused no casualties. A poisoning caused by pesticides in vegetables. Workers and their families caused a scare, at the same time also brought loss to construction site.

Food safety need a wake-up call, should not be ignored. To this end, the school also carried out a series of activities, has carried on the food safety education to students of the school, to enhance our awareness of food safety, also let us realize the importance of food safety. Yes, food safety is directly related to our health! Previously, there is always some stalls around our school, the clusters attractive Smelled good, some of the students resist the temptation of delicious treats, you, me one yuan to buy a lot of snacks. As a result, students buy snacks is not have loose bowels, is have a stomachache, or even vomiting, were taken to the school infirmary. That fast food is more vicious, in order to reduce costs, excessive, preservatives, chemical additives and so on lead to a variety of diseases.

The above examples to prove the importance of food safety, food safety is not only affects people's health, and relationship with economic development and social stability. Therefore, I urge you to: pay attention to food safety.




食品安全需要警钟长鸣,不容忽视。为此,学校也开展了一系列活动,对全校的学生进行了食品安全教育,增强了我们对食品安全的意识,还让我们体会到食品安全的重要性。是啊,食品安全直接关系着我们的身体健康呢!以前,我们学校周围总有一些摊点,那一串串诱人的 佳肴 散发出阵阵香味,一部分同学抵挡不住 美食 的诱惑,你五角,我一元地买了许多零食。结果,买零食的同学不是拉肚子,就是肚子疼,有的甚至出现了呕吐,被送往校医室。而那些快餐店更是狠毒,为了降低成本,将一些防腐剂、化学添加剂等过分使用,导致了多种疾病的产生。

上面的事例都能证明食品安全的重要性,食品安全不仅会影响人们的健康,还关系着经济的发展和社会的稳定。因此,我呼吁大家: 食品安全要注意!




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