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2023-05-20 04:33:12




"What? On their mobile phones to? Uh-uh, now phone precious! Call up the stairs. What effort? B: that's good, kill two birds with one stone, still can exercise! Hey hey, want to use my cell phone dial the number, no way!" You know who this is? By the way, this is my grandfather is cheap, even though he has died, but his miserly image is still fresh in my mind. The summer vacation, I came to grandpa's house, because of poor economic conditions, grandpa home no air conditioning, only a broken, was covered by the dust the table fan, I plug in the plug, blade turn up, but not blow out of the wind, but the dust "cough cough cough!" My clothes are dirty, hate. Luck is yet to come, blades "squeak" two, "paralysis". It's so painful! I thought grandpa will take to repair shop repair the electric fan, did not think of grandpa out from under the bed a toolbox, take out the screwdriver, pliers... Break down all the tiny parts in the electric fan, moved into the bedroom, took up myself. On hot days, before long, the sweat will flow out, full head big sweat soon, I took a wet towel from the toilet to grandpa, grandpa but only sleeves when towel, flow in the brush, brush flow, about "war" four rounds, grandpa the feeling, have to bring a towel hanging around his neck. Tick time goes by, grandpa sweat on your face and make a a long river. After about four hours, "success!" Grandpa cried in the bedroom, I ran into the bedroom, he found the true, electric fan on my grandfather's efforts, four hours back from the dead. At the beginning, I asked my grandfather: "grandpa, why don't you go to depot repair? It takes time and effort." Grandpa said: "can save save bai!" Although my grandpa is stingy, but if the village to the donation activity, such as he will be generous, I don't know whether he is a generous or stingy, you say?






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